Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu Kurumsal Araştırma Arşivi

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Large field polynomial inflation in Palatini f(R, ϕ) gravity
(An IOPBN and SISSA journal, 2025-01-28) Bostan, Nilay; Karahan, Canan; Sargın, Ozan
In this paper, we employ the Palatini formalism to investigate the dynamics of large-field inflation using a renormalizable polynomial inflaton potential in the context of f(R, ϕ) gravity. Assuming instant reheating, we make a comparative analysis of large-field polynomial inflation (PI). We first consider the minimal and non-minimal coupling of inflaton in R gravity, and then we continue with the minimally and non-minimally coupled inflaton in f(R, ϕ) gravity. We scan the parameter space for the inflationary predictions (ns and r) consistent with the Planck and BICEP/Keck 2018 results as well as the sensitivity forecast of the future CMB-S4 and depict the compliant regions in the ϕ0 − β plane where ϕ0 and β are two parameters of polynomial inflation model which control the saddle point of the potential and the flatness in the vicinity of this point respectively. We find that a substantial portion of the parameter space aligns with the observational data.
Radyasyon Doz Birimleri, Hasta Işınlanmasına Ait Belirteçler Radiation Dose Units, Indicators of Patient Irradiation
(Galenos Yayınevi, 2025-02-21)
Bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT), floroskopi, mamografi ve kemik yoğunluğu ölçümü gibi modern tıbbi görüntüleme teknolojisi, hastalıkların erken teşhisi ve tedavi takibi için oldukça önemlidir. Ancak, iyonlaştırıcı radyasyon kullanan bu cihazlar için hasta güvenliği ve radyasyon dozu yönetimi esastır. Gray ve sievert gibi doz birimleri, radyolojide doz belirleme ve maruz kalma göstergeleri olarak kullanılırken; cilt giriş dozu, doz alanı ürünü, kümülatif hava kerma, ortalama glandüler doz, doz uzunluk ürünü ve BT doz indeksi gibi parametreler hasta maruziyetinin kritik göstergeleri olarak hizmet eder. Bu göstergeler, özellikle yüksek radyasyon içeren teşhis teknolojilerinde hasta güvenliğini artırmada ve olumsuz radyobiyolojik etkileri azaltmada önemli rol oynar. Bu çalışmada iyonlaştırıcı radyasyon içeren teşhis ve tedavi takiplerinde hasta maruziyetinin tespitinde kullanılan doz birimleri ve tetkiklerde hastanın ışınlanmasının değerlendirmesinde kullanılan ışınlanma parametreleri gözden geçirilecektir. Modern medical imaging technology such as computed tomography (CT), fluoroscopy, mammography, and bone density measurement are very important for early diagnosis of diseases and treatment follow-up. However, patient safety and radiation dose management are essential for these devices that use ionising radiation. While dose units such as Gray and sievert are used as dose determination and exposure indicators in radiology, parameters such as skin entrance dose, dose area product, cumulative air kerma, mean glandular dose, dose length product, and CT dose index serve as critical indicators of patient exposure. These indicators play an important role in increasing patient safety and reducing adverse radiobiological effects, especially in diagnostic technologies that involve high radiation. In this study, dose units used in determining patient exposure in diagnosis and treatment follow-ups involving ionising radiation and radiation parameters used in evaluating patient irradiation in examinations will be reviewed.
Influence of calcination conditions on deep eutectic solvents (DES) leaching efficiency of light rare earth elements in bastnasite ore
(ELSEVIER, 2024-11-02) Kaplan, S. Samet; Kurtulan, Cisem Celik; Gurmen, Sebahattin; Orhan, Gokhan; Sonmez, Mehmet Seref
In this century, our daily life is surrounded by technological devices, and Rare Earth Elements (REE) are at the heart of this technological revolution. They are always listed having the highest supply risk in critical minerals published by different countries. From that point of view, their extraction, and creating a secured supply chain is always crucial. In this research, the influence of calcination conditions on REE extraction from bastnasite ore was studied. Identical leaching in Ethylene Glycol (EG)-FeCl3 media which is one of the Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) was applied to different calcines to understand calcination parameters on leaching efficiency. After conducting experiments created by Box-Behnken approach with different parameters of temperature, duration, and particles size, the highest Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE) extraction efficiency of 67.22 wt% was achieved at 900◦ C. However, while conducting control experiments, the highest extraction efficiency was found to be 75.986 wt% as a median of the experiments conducted at 500 ◦C during 180 min, and with particles finer than 25 µm. This efficiency increase with decreasing temperature is explained by Ce phase transformation from Ce2O3 to CeO2 as proved by XRD analysis. In addition to temperature, particle size was also found highly effective in extraction efficiency especially in Ce extraction. At the experiments conducted at 900 ◦C, and 270 min but with particles at different size ranges, Ce extraction dramatically dropped from 71.061 wt% to 9.587 wt% at the experiment conducted with finer particles. This lose in efficiency is directly correlated to increasing Ce phase transformation rate due to increasing surface area of fine particles. Non-calcined ore was also leached with DES, and only 10.977 wt% LREE could be extracted. Furthermore, it is concluded that calcination is of vital importance to transform the ore into a soluble form, and temperature, and particle size ranges are found to be two fundamental parameters for tuning the extraction efficiency.
(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-04-29) GÖKSU KARAOĞLU, Burcu; YAZICI, Keziban; KANTOĞLU, Yaprak; KUNTER, Burak; AKA KAÇAR, Yıldız
Çay dünyada sudan sonra en fazla tüketilen içecek bitkisidir. Türkiye’de sadece Doğu Karadeniz bölümünde yetiştiriciliği yapılmaktadır. Yetiştiriciliğin yaygınlaşmaya başladığı tarihten bu yana tüm bahçeler tohumla tesis edilmiş olup klon çay çeşitleri ile tesis edilmiş bahçeler bulunmamakta bu da verim ve kaliteye etki etmektedir. Çay bitkisinde heterezigoti oranının yüksek olması ve kendine uyuşmazlık mekanizmasının varlığı ıslah çalışmalarının süresini uzatmaktadır. Mutasyon ıslahı, çay bitkisinde genetik çeşitlilik ortaya çıkarmak için hızlı ve pratik bir yöntemdir. Çay üretiminde önemli olan Çin, Hindistan, Kenya ve Sri Lanka gibi ülkelerde mutasyon ıslahı ile ticarete konu olan önemli çay çeşitleri geliştirilmiştir. Ülkemizde ise bu konuda bir çalışma yapılmamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı çayda mutasyon ıslahı yöntemini kullanarak varyasyon yaratmak ve yeni çay çeşit adayları geliştirmektir. Çalışmamız Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, araştırma seralarında 2020 ile 2023 yılları arasında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada materyal olarak kullanılan Zihni Derin çay çeşidine ait 3-4 gözlü sürgünlere Türkiye Enerji Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu’nda İzotop marka “Ob-Servo Sanguis Co-60 Research Irradiator” model gama ışınlama cihazı ile 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 ve 70 Gy dozlarında ışınlama yapılmıştır. Işınlamadan sonra tek gözlü olarak alınan çay çelikleri torf-vermikulit karışımına dikilmiştir. Farklı dozlarda gama ışını uygulanan çay çeliklerinin canlılık ve köklenme oranları belirlenmiş büyüyen çay fidanlarında ise sürgün uzunluğu (mm) ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Sürgün uzunluğuna göre yapılan probit regresyon analizine göre “Etkili Mutasyon Dozunun’’ 11,45 Gy olduğu tespit edilikten sonra ana mutant populasyonu oluşturmak için çay çelikleri üzerine bu doz uygulanmıştır. Uygulamadan sonra M1V1 generasyonu oluşturulmuştur. M1V1 generasyonu Ek-2 üzerinde ölçüm ve gözlemler yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, M1V1-V3 generasyonlarında mutant çay bitkilerinde büyük oranda varyasyon meydana geldiği belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma ile 140 adet mutant çay genotipi elde edilmiş olup, bu genotipler Ulusal Çay Gen Havuzumuza aktarılacaktır. Tea is the second most consumed beverage plant in the world after water. It is only cultivated in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. Since the beginning of cultivation, all gardens have been established with seeds, and there are no gardens established with clonal tea varieties, which also affects yield and quality. The high heterozygosity rate in tea plants and the presence of self-incompatibility mechanisms prolong the duration of breeding studies. Mutation breeding is a rapid and practical method for generating genetic diversity in tea plants. Important tea varieties that are traded have been developed through mutation breeding in countries such as China, India, Kenya, and Sri Lanka, which are important in tea production. No studies have been conducted on this issue in our country. The aim of this study is to create variation and develop new tea variety candidates using the mutation breeding method in tea. Our study was conducted at the Research Greenhouses of Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Faculty of Agriculture, between 2020 and 2023. In the study, 3-4-eyed shoots belonging to the Zihni Derin tea variety were irradiated with gamma rays at doses of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 Gy using the “Ob-Servo Sanguis Co-60 Research Irradiator” model gamma irradiation device of the Turkish Energy Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency. After irradiation, tea cuttings were taken as single eyes and planted in a mixture of peat and vermiculite. The viability and rooting rates of tea cuttings irradiated with different doses of gamma rays were determined, and the shoot length (mm) measurements were made in the growing tea seedlings. The probit regression analysis performed according to the shoot length, the “Effective Mutation Dose” was found to be 11.45 Gy. After the application with 11.45 Gy, the M1V1 generation was created. Measurements and observations were made on the M1V1 generation. According to the results of the study, a large amount of variation occurred in mutant tea plants in the M1V1-V3 generations. With this study, 140 mutant tea genotypes were obtained, and these genotypes will be transferred to our National Tea Gene Pool.
Callus and suspension culture techniques optimized for use in carrot breeding studies (Daucus carota ssp. sativus var. atrorubens alef and D. carota)
(TAGEM, 2023-02-02) Büyükdinç Turan, Damla; Kantoğlu Kadriye Yaprak; Karataş, Arzu; Ellialtıoğlu, Şebnem
In this study, studies were conducted to optimize callus and suspension culture methods for in vitro mutation breeding in purple and orange carrots. Following this, the developed mutant lines were subjected to in vitro salt stress selection. The study determined the optimal agar dose. The first germination, 50% germination, rootcotyledon formation and genuine leaf formation in carrot seedlings were analyzed daily in the study, which was continued with the determined 7g/L agar dose. The cotyledon and hypocotyl explants from the seedlings were cultivated for callus production in mixtures of MS-1, MS-2 and MS-3 nutritional medium. In the second and fourth weeks following the second subculture, callus production percentages and weights were measured. The MS-3 (1 mg/L 2,4-D + 0.5 mg/L kinetin) nutritional medium and hypocotyl explant were found to be particularly effective at producing callus. The second subculture's data on the number of plants that had successfully regenerated per callus, showed that the MS nutritional medium with 0.2 mg/L Thidiazuron (TDZ) was the best medium for plant regeneration. The dispersed calli were grown in a nutritional medium designed for suspension culture in a nutrient medium mixture comprising MS+0.1 mg/L kinetin. The results obtained with the optimization steps were used in the ongoing study.