Mamedov, A. P.Najafova, M. A.Jafarova, R. A.Salmanova, Ch. K.Dadashov, Z. Kh.Dadashova, N. R.Rzayeva, N. A.Yolchiyeva, U. J.2023-03-132023-03-132014-10Mamedov, A. P. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (2014). One-quantum processes of photosensitized decomposition of organic compounds under the influence of solar radiation. The Seventh Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application: Book of abstracts, (s. 95). 21-24 October 2014. Baku, Azerbaijan. radiationGüneş radyasyonuInfluenceEtkiOne-quantum processesTek kuantum süreçleriOrganic compoundsOrganik bileşiklerPhotosensitized decompositionIşığa duyarlı ayrışmaOne-quantum processes of photosensitized decomposition of organic compounds under the influence of solar radiationconferenceObject95