Parmaksız, Aydın2021-04-012021-04-012020-10Parmaksız, A. (2020). Radiological assessment of the bauxite mining in Turkey and estimation of radiation dose contribution of the red mud as a concrete agent of the model room by using RESRAD-BUILD computer code. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 326(2), 1107-1118. mud resulting from bauxite mining and processing is a cause of considerable concern because of the large amount of production and potential risks of long-lived natural radionuclides. In this study, samples taken from ore to end-products including waste in facilities were measured by gamma-ray spectrometry and radiological assessment indexes were calculated. For assessment of the usage of red mud as an additive in concrete, exposures of the occupant were calculated by using RESRAD-BUILD computer code for a model room. The radiological risk did not found for the use of red mud samples in the determined ratios in concrete.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRESRAD-BUILD computer codeRESRAD-BUILD bilgisayar koduBauxite miningBoksit madenciliğiRadiological assessmentRadyolojik değerlendirilmeRed mudKırmızı çamurRadiation doseRadyasyon dozuRadiological assessment of the bauxite mining in Turkey and estimation of radiation dose contribution of the red mud as a concrete agent of the model room by using RESRAD-BUILD computer codearticle326110711182