Republic Of Turkey, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority2017-08-042017-08-042013-06Republic Of Turkey, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority. (2013). National report, safety and security of radioactive sources in Turkey. Ankara : Republic Of Turkey, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority. Atomic Energy Authority (TAEA) as a regulatory body is responsible for peaceful use of atomic energy in Turkey for the benefit of the country in conformity with the national development plans and fulfillment of Turkey's obligations arising from international agreements. By the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority Act, TAEA define and recommend the basic principles and policies; and implement, inspect, organize, support and coordinate scientific, technical and administrative studies and affairs relating with the safe use of atomic energy and sources of ionizing radiation for ensuring the protection of people and environment against ionizing radiation exposures. Turkey's legislative framework regarding with the radioactive sources cover the fundamental aspects of radiation protection and radiation safety particularly the requirements related to occupational, public and medical exposures, transportation, radioactive source management, emergency preparedness, authorization and inspection of practices containing radioactive sources. It also defines the main responsibilities of regulatory body, law enforcement agencies, emergency organizations and licensees. Turkey has already made political commitment with regard to the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources and Supplementary Guidance on the Import and Export of Radioactive Sources. Turkey has a national registration system containing all radiation sources. It holds the information of both x-ray devices and all categories of radioactive sources or systems containing radioactive sources. This system provides to ensure management of the sources and enhance controls for high activity sealed radioactive sources. Each radioactive source imported, exported or sent to waste storage facility is registered to the system and according to the information about every source movement/changes, data are updated by TAEA.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRadioactive sourcesRadyoaktif kaynaklarSafetyGüvenlikSecurityEmniyetRegulatory bodyDüzenleyici kurumTurkeyTürkiyeNational report, safety and security of radioactive sources in Turkeyreport