Palvanov, S. R.Rakhmanov, J.Kajumov, M.Mamajusupova, M. I.Juraev, O.2019-06-172019-06-172008Palvanov, S. R. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (2008). Isomeric yield ratios of the reactions 144Sm(γ,n)143m,gSm and 144Sm(n,2n)143m,gSm. The Fifth Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application : Book of abstracts, (s. 130). 14-17 October 2008. Ankara, Turkey. yield ratiosİzomerik verim oranlarıReactionsReaksiyonlar144Sm(γ,n)143m,gSm144Sm(n,2n)Isomeric yield ratios of the reactions 144Sm(γ,n)143m,gSm and 144Sm(n,2n)143m,gSmconferenceObject130