Aripov, G. A.Kurbanov, B. I.Allamuratova, G.2018-10-162018-10-162006Aripov, G. A., Kurbanov, B. I. ve Allamuratova, G. (2006). Monitoring of processes with gamma-rays of neutron capture and short-living radionuclides. The Third Eurasian Conference Nuclear Science and Its Application : Proceedings, (s. 332-334). 5-8 October, 2004. Tashkent, Uzbekistan.üklidNeutron captureNötron yakalamaShort-living radionuclidesKısa ömürlü radyonüklitlerGamma-raysGama ışınlarıMonitoring of processesSüreçlerin izlenmesiNeutronsNötronlarGamma raysMonitoring of processes with gamma-rays of neutron capture and short-living radionuclidesconferenceObject332334