Nadirbekov, M. S.Tursunboyev, N. Yu.2023-03-062023-03-062014-10Nadirbekov, M. S. ve Tursunboyev, N. Yu. (2014). Excited collective states of "Yrast" and "Non-Yrast" bands with alternating parity of lanthanide and actinide nuclei. The Seventh Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application: Book of abstracts, (s. 62). 21-24 October 2014. Baku, Azerbaijan."Yrast" and "Non-Yrast" bands"Yrast" ve "Yrast Olmayan" bantlarExcited collective statesHeyecanlı toplu durumlarActinide nucleiAktinit çekirdekParityPariteLanthanideLantanitAlternatingDeğişenExcited collective states of "Yrast" and "Non-Yrast" bands with alternating parity of lanthanide and actinide nucleiconferenceObject62