Abbsov, Sh. M.Suleymanov, B. A.Mikailova, A. C.Lisanova, E. V.2019-02-132019-02-132006Abbsov, Sh. M. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (2006). Distribution of radionuclides in Yevlakh region area. The Fourth Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application : Presentations, (s. 350-352). 31 October-3 November 2006. Baku, Azerbaijan. suggested article has realized first investigate distribution of radionuclides in Yevlakh region area. Quantity of radionuclides (Ra - 226, Ra-228, K - 40, Co - 60, Cs - 134, Cs - 137) in soil and water samples determined by qamma-spectrometric methods. Activity Rn-222 in water samples learned by RAD -7 detector (0.16÷1.3Bk/l). Observing of Cs-137 (3.12 Bk/kq) in soil sample has been taken from Aran settlement area be explained a resualt of global setti process.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessDistribution of radionuclidesRadyonüklidlerin dağılımıYevlakh regionYevlakh bölgesiDistribution of radionuclides in Yevlakh region areaconferenceObject350352