Abbasov, Sh. M.Agaverdiyeva, G. T.Ibrahimov, Z. A.Farajova, U. T.2019-08-082019-08-082008Abbasov, Sh. M. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (2008). Investigation of electrophysical and photoelectrical properties of Ge1-xSx /Ge heterostructures obtained by molecular-beam epitaxy method. The Fifth Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application : Book of abstracts, (s. 241-242). 14-17 October 2008. Ankara, Turkey. and photoelectrical propertiesElektrofiziksel ve fotoelektrik özelliklerMolecular-beam epitaxy methodMoleküler ışın epitaksi yöntemiGe1-xSx /GeInvestigation of electrophysical and photoelectrical properties of Ge1-xSx /Ge heterostructures obtained by molecular-beam epitaxy methodconferenceObject241242