Özdere Gülol, OyaÇolak, Üner2021-06-032021-06-032003Özdere Gülol, O. ve Çolak, Ü. (2003). Deterministic and probabilistic analysis of PWR pressure vessel integrity for different transient conditions. The Second Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application : Presentations, 1.c., (s.59-70). 16-19 September 2002. Almaty : Kazakhstan.http://kurumsalarsiv.tenmak.gov.tr/handle/20.500.12878/1685TENMAK D.N.3326In this study, nuclear reactor pressure vessel analysis is performed via deterministic and probabilistic methods for six different transient conditions which may cause pressurized thermal shock. A classical four loop PWR with SA533B type ferritic steel pressure vessel is analyzed. Deterministic analysis is performed for obtaining change in material properties and mechanical state of vessel against temperature and pressure changes. In probabilistic analysis, failure probabilities for vessel beltline region welds are calculated. VISA II computer code is employed for both deterministic and probabilistic analysis.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPressure vessel integrityBasınçlı kap bütünlüğüPWRDeterministic and probabilistic analysis of PWR pressure vessel integrity for different transient conditionsconferenceObject1.c.5970