Ayaz, BirsenBilge, Ali Nezihi2018-07-102018-07-102000-10Ayaz, B., Bilge, A. N. (2000). The effects of hydrogen concentration in reducing atmosphere on microstructure of U02 fuel pellets. I. Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application, Presentations, Vol 1, (s. 304-309). 23-27 October 2000. İzmir, Turkey.http://kurumsalarsiv.tenmak.gov.tr/handle/20.500.12878/706I. Avrasya Nükleer Bilimler ve Uygulamaları Konferansı : 23-27 Ekim 2000. İzmir, Türkiye.In both conventional high temperature and low temperature sintering techniques, hydrogen is used as sintering and reducing atmosphere to prepare uranium dioxide fuel pellets. It is well known that hydrogen is a dangerous gas to work with. In this work it was aimed to investigate the effects of low-level hydrogen concentration used in reducing atmosphere on micro structure of U0 2 fuel pellets produced by low temperature sintering. Different ratios of H2/Ar (0.1%H2+99.9%Ar, 0.5%H2+99.5%Ar, l%H2+99%Ar and 0%H2 (pure argon)) atmospheres were used as reducing atmosphere for 1, 2, 3 and 6 hours. It was determined that using very low-level hydrogen (1%) in reducing atmosphere prevents the formation of other oxides.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtmosphereAtmosferHydrogen concentrationHidrojen konsantrasyonuMicrostructureMikroyapıFuel pelletsYakıt topaklarıU02The effects of hydrogen concentration in reducing atmosphere on microstructure of U02 fuel pelletsconferenceObject304309