Kim, A. A.Djuraeva, G. T.Dadakhanov, J. A.Djumaniyazova, G. I.Zinovev, P. V.Yadgarov, Kh. T.2019-06-172019-06-172008Kim, A. A. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (2008). Estimation of activity of microbiota of saline soils strongly contaminated by chloroorganic compounds with the use of tritium labeled PCBs. The Fifth Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application : Book of abstracts, (s. 128-129). 14-17 October 2008. Ankara, Turkey. soilsTuzlu topraklarMicrobiotaMikrobiyotaTritium labeled PCBsTrityum etiketli PCB'lerStrongly contaminatedKuvvetlice kirlenmişChloroorganic compoundsKloroorganik bileşiklerEstimation of activity of microbiota of saline soils strongly contaminated by chloroorganic compounds with the use of tritium labeled PCBsconferenceObject128129