Artemov, S. V.Igamov, S. B.Tursunmakhatov, K.Yarmukhamedov, R.2019-05-272019-05-272008Artemov, S. V. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (2008). Determination of the asymptotic normalization coefficients (nuclear vertex constants) for the virtual decayes 3He-> d+p and 17F> 16O+p and their application for extrapolation of the astrophysical s-factors of the proton capture by deutron and 16O nucleus at solar energies. The Fifth Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application : Book of abstracts, (s. 55-56). 14-17 October 2008. Ankara, Turkey. energiesSGüneş enerjisiProton captureProton yakalamaAstrophysical s-factorsAstrofiziksel s-faktörleriExtrapolationEkstrapolasyon16O nucleus16O çekirdeğiDeutronDötronVirtual decayesSanal bozulmalarNuclear vertex constantsNükleer tepe sabitleriAsymptotic normalization coefficientsAsimptotik normalleşme katsayılarıDeterminationBelirleme3He-> d+p and 17F> 16O+pDetermination of the asymptotic normalization coefficients (nuclear vertex constants) for the virtual decayes 3He-> d+p and 17F> 16O+p and their application for extrapolation of the astrophysical s-factors of the proton capture by deutron and 16O nucleus at solar energiesconferenceObject5556