Aslani, Mahmoud A. A.Yaprak, GünseliAytaş, ŞuleAkyıl, SemaEral, MeralYener, Güngör2018-07-132018-07-132000-10Aslani, Mahmoud A. A., ... [ve arkadaşları]., (2000). Cesium-137 activity in soil from an agricultural land in West Anatolia. I. Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application, Presentations, Vol 1, (s. 431-433). 23-27 October 2000. İzmir, Turkey. Avrasya Nükleer Bilimler ve Uygulamaları Konferansı : 23-27 Ekim 2000. İzmir, Türkiye.Due to the radiocesium derived from the accident at Chernobyl in 1986 deposited on the soil, this study presents experimental data on Cs-137 activity concentrations in soil samples taken from agricultural land of Aegean Region in Turkey in 1997 and 1998. The activity of Cs-137 for these soil samples was found in the range between 0.92±0.15 Bq/kg and 20.75±0.29 Bq/kg. The distribution of Cs-137 in the soil can differ, being dependent on soil properties.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessWest AnatoliaBatı AnadoluAgricultural landTarım arazisiCesium-137Sezyum-137SoilToprakActivityAktiviteCs-137Cesium-137 activity in soil from an agricultural land in West AnatoliaconferenceObject431433