Aylangan, AyçaVural, Halil2017-06-072017-06-072011-05Aylangan, A., Vural, H. (2011). Detection of 2-alkylcyclobutanones in irradiated hamburgers. International Food Congress Novel Approaches in Food Industry, Vol 2, 205-209.http://kurumsalarsiv.tenmak.gov.tr/handle/20.500.12878/430Food irradiation is the process of exposing food to ionising irradiation. This technology is used for food hygiene, spoilage reduction and extension of shelf-life. Although properly irradiated food is safe, commercialization of irradiated food requires the available methods to identify irradiated foods. The detection of 2-alkylcyclobutanones (2-ACB’s) is a standard method used for irradiated food whose fat content is higher than 1g %. However, 2-ACB’s are not detected in nonirradiated food samples. In this study, hamburger samples with 0.8 % NaCl content were produced from beef meat and 1.2 kGy were applied to samples. Unirradiated (control) and 1.2 kGy irradiated samples were stored for 8 and 30 days at two different storage temperature (+4 °C and -12 °C). The analysis of 2-ACB’s formed in fat containing irradiated foods with gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer was evaluated to detect the irradiation on hamburgers. The effect of storage temperatures on formation and diagnosis of 2-dodecycyclobutanone (2-dDCB) of irradiated samples was not significant. 2-dDCB was not determined on the control sample regardless of storage time. As a consequence, 2-ACB’s can be used as an irradiation indicator in foods.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessHamburger meatballsHamburger köfteIrradiated hamburgerIşınlanmış hamburgerFood irradiationGıda ışınlaması2-alkylcyclobutanonesDetection of 2-alkylcyclobutanones in irradiated hamburgersconferenceObject2052092