Özdemir, TonguçÖzdemir, CelalUslu, İbrahim2017-01-302017-01-302004-12Özdemir, T., Özdemir, C. ve Uslu, İ. (2004). Low level radioactive waste management and discharge policies. International Conference on Disposal of Low Activity Radioactive Waste, 13-17 December 2004. Cordoba, Spain.http://kurumsalarsiv.tenmak.gov.tr/handle/20.500.12878/243The legal infrastructure in Turkey for the management of low-level radioactive waste covers the liquid, solid and gaseous wastes. Management of these radioactive wastes is briefly described in this paper. Moreover, delay and decay tank systems that are used to collect and store the low level radioactive wastes as a part of low-level radioactive effluent discharge policy are introduced.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessLow level radioactive waste disposal facilitiesDüşük seviyeli radyoaktif atık imha tesisleriLow-level radioactive wastesDüşük seviyeli radyoaktif atıklarRadioactive waste managementRadyoaktif atık yönetimiDischarge policiesTahliye politikalarıLow level radioactive waste management and discharge policiesconferenceObject