Doğan, M.Meriç, NiyaziKadıoğlu, Y. K.2019-06-122019-06-122008Doğan, M., Meriç, N. ve Kadıoğlu, Y. K. (2008). GIS application in the definition of radiation and heavy metal pollution in the vicinity of Seyitömer thermic powerhouse. The Fifth Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application : Book of abstracts, (s. 97). 14-17 October 2008. Ankara, Turkey.ömer thermic powerhouseSeyitömer termik santraliGIS applicationCBS uygulamasıRadiation and heavy metal pollutionRadyasyon ve ağır metal kirliliğiDefinitionTanımlamaGIS application in the definition of radiation and heavy metal pollution in the vicinity of Seyitömer thermic powerhouseconferenceObject97