Khidirov, I.Mirzaev, B. B.Sultanova, S. Kh.Mukhtarova, N. N.Getmanskiy, V. V.2018-10-032018-10-032006Khidirov, I. (2006). Neutron diffraction study of ordering of atoms and antiphase domains in titanium carbohydrides. The Third Eurasian Conference Nuclear Science and Its Application : Proceedings, (s. 124-127). 5-8 October, 2004. Tashkent, Uzbekistan.ötronlarTitanium carbohydridesTitanyum karbohidridllerNeutron diffraction studynötron kırınım çalışmasıOrdering of atoms and antiphase domainsAtomların ve antiphase alanlarının sıralanmasıNeutron diffraction study of ordering of atoms and antiphase domains in titanium carbohydridesconferenceObject124127