Mamedov, A. P.Jafarova, R. A.Salmanova, Ch. K.Najafova, M. A.Dadashov, Z. Kh.Azizbeyli, E. I.Mahmudov, H. V.2023-03-132023-03-132014-10Mamedov, A. P. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (2014). Thermal luminescence of petroleum luminophores accumulating of energy of γ- rays, the light of spark and mercury-lamp. The Seventh Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application: Book of abstracts, (s. 93-94). 21-24 October 2014. Baku, Azerbaijan.γ- raysγ- ışınlarıEnergyEnerjiThermal luminescenceTermal lüminesansMercury-lampCıva lambasıThe light of sparkKıvılcım ışığıPetroleum luminophoresPetrol luminoforlarıAccumulatingBiriktirmekThermal luminescence of petroleum luminophores accumulating of energy of γ- rays, the light of spark and mercury-lampconferenceObject9394