Bondar, Yu. V.Kim, H. J.Lim, Y. J.Kravets, L. I.2018-10-152018-10-152006Bondar, Yu. V. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (2006). Production of sorption-active polypropylene fiber by radiation-induce grafting of glycidyl methacrylate as a precursor monomer. The Third Eurasian Conference Nuclear Science and Its Application : Proceedings, (s. 324-327). 5-8 October, 2004. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. monomerÖncü monomerSorption-active polypropylene fiberSorpsiyonlu aktif polipropilen fiberRadiation-induce graftingRadyasyon indüklü aşılamaGlisidil metakrilatProduction of sorption-active polypropylene fiber by radiation-induce grafting of glycidyl methacrylate as a precursor monomerconferenceObject324327