Bostan, Nilay2024-07-312024-07-312024-02-21 this work, we examine the reheating constraints to symmetry-breaking mechanism, which is associated with Coleman-Weinberg inflation in the early universe. We consider the Coleman-Weinberg inflation potential,wheretheinflatonhasa v ̸= 0 afterinflation. Setting Treh = 105 GeV,wefirstshow wreh dependency on ns, r, and N∗ for AV case. Then, we demonstrate the results of ns, r, N∗, α = dns/dlnk for different reheating temperatures and compare the results with the latest BICEP/Keck data. We also present that ns−r and ns−N∗ planes and the effect of reheating temperature which is in a wide range, on inflationary predictions for both AV and BV cases. Finally, we indicate how N∗ and α change according to the reheating temperature values.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCosmologyinflationreheatingReheating constraints to Palatini Coleman-Weinberg inflationarticle48283910.55730/1300-0101.27541303-6122