Maharramov, A. M.Kuliyev, M. M.Ismayilova, R. S.Nabiyev, A. A.2023-03-142023-03-142014-10Maharramov, A. M. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (2014). The spectrum of thermally stimulated current of γ- irradiated in polyethylene nanocomposites. The Seventh Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application: Book of abstracts, (s. 105-106). 21-24 October 2014. Baku, Azerbaijan. nanocompositesPolietilen nanokompozitlerγ- irradiatedγ- ışınlanmışSpectrumSpektrumThermallyTermalStimulated curretUyarılmış akımınThe spectrum of thermally stimulated current of γ- irradiated in polyethylene nanocompositesconferenceObject105106