Nitrogen and water regime effects on corn yields determined by N-15 tracer technique
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National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics
This investigation was carried out to determine the relationships between fertilizer nitrogen leaching and N fertilizer application time, method and irrigation rate by using 15N methodology. Therefore, in the field experiments, the effects of three factors namely; a) irrigation rates (optimum 240 mm, high 360 mm), b) N
application times (all at planting, 1/2 at planting and 1/2 after planting when plant heights were 50 cm), c) N application methods (sidedress and broadcast) were investigated. The field experiments were conducted using randomized block desing as split-split plot with 4 replications. As the test plant hybrid corn (TUM-82-2) was
sowed on a 0.80 m row spacing and 0.25 m seed spacing. Nitrogen was applied 120 kgN/ha to the all treatments as urea fertilizer (46 % N). In addition, to the subplots (which received half of N at planting and the other half when plant heights were 50 cm) 15N labelled urea (2.63 % 15N atom excess as 120 kgN/ha) was
applied. After harvesting, total N and 15N analyses were done for different plant parts and soil samples.
The results showed us that the seed and total yields were increased with higher (360 mm) irrigation. When N application was sidedressed the availability of N was increased, and also its’ loss by leaching from the active root zone was decreased. In conclusion, it was observed that at high irrigation rate was saved about 84 kgN/ha by sidedressing rather than broadcasting of the applied N fertilizer.
Nitrogen and water regime, Azot ve su rejimi, Corn yields, Mısır verimi, N-15 tracer technique, N-15 izleyici tekniği
Halitligil, M. B. ve Akın, A. İ. (2003). Nitrogen and water regime effects on corn yields determined by N-15 tracer technique. The Second Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application : Presentations, 3.c., (s.136-144). 16-19 September 2002. Almaty : Kazakhstan.