Determination of trace elements in Turkish Tea

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Turkish Atomic Energy Commission, Ankara Nuclear Research and Traning Center
Liretimin her kademesinden alınan çay örneklerinde, yüksek ayırma güçlü Ge (Li) dedektörü ve 4096 çok kanallı gamma-ışını spektrometresi kullanılarak Sc, Se, Eu, Cs, Co, Rb, Cr, Ce, Sb ve Fe; atomik absorpsiyon spektrofotometresiyle de Mn, Cu ve Zn miktarları tayin edilmiştir. Üretim sırasında ağır metal kirlenmesi gözlenmemiştir.
Concentrations of Sc, Se, Eu, Cs, Co, Rb, Cr, Çe, Sb and Fe, have been determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis using a high - resolution Ge (Li) detector and 4C96 multichannel gamma-ray spectrometer and concentrations of Mn, Cu and Zn have been determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in tea samples taken from the each step of processing. No heavy metal contamination during processing has been observed.
Turkish Tea, Türk Çayı, Determination of trace elements, Eser elementlerin tayini
Gülovalı, M. Ç., Gölge, T. ve Ölmez, İ. (1977). Determination of trace elements in Turkish Tea. Technical Journal, 4(2), 68-72.