One-quantum processes of photosensitized decomposition of organic compounds under the influence of solar radiation
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Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Radiation Problems of ANAS
Ministry of Communication and High Technologies of Azerbaijan
Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
National Nuclear Center, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kazakhstan
Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Physics
National Academy of Science, Kyrgyz Republic
Ministry of Communication and High Technologies of Azerbaijan
Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
National Nuclear Center, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kazakhstan
Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Physics
National Academy of Science, Kyrgyz Republic
Solar radiation, Güneş radyasyonu, Influence, Etki, One-quantum processes, Tek kuantum süreçleri, Organic compounds, Organik bileşikler, Photosensitized decomposition, Işığa duyarlı ayrışma
Mamedov, A. P. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (2014). One-quantum processes of photosensitized decomposition of organic compounds under the influence of solar radiation. The Seventh Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application: Book of abstracts, (s. 95). 21-24 October 2014. Baku, Azerbaijan.