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Callus and suspension culture techniques optimized for use in carrot breeding studies (Daucus carota ssp. sativus var. atrorubens alef and D. carota)
(TAGEM, 2023-02-02) Büyükdinç Turan, Damla; Kantoğlu Kadriye Yaprak; Karataş, Arzu; Ellialtıoğlu, Şebnem
In this study, studies were conducted to optimize callus and suspension culture methods for in vitro mutation breeding in purple and orange carrots. Following this, the developed mutant lines were subjected to in vitro salt stress selection. The study determined the optimal agar dose. The first germination, 50% germination, rootcotyledon formation and genuine leaf formation in carrot seedlings were analyzed daily in the study, which was continued with the determined 7g/L agar dose. The cotyledon and hypocotyl explants from the seedlings were cultivated for callus production in mixtures of MS-1, MS-2 and MS-3 nutritional medium. In the second and fourth weeks following the second subculture, callus production percentages and weights were measured. The MS-3 (1 mg/L 2,4-D + 0.5 mg/L kinetin) nutritional medium and hypocotyl explant were found to be particularly effective at producing callus. The second subculture's data on the number of plants that had successfully regenerated per callus, showed that the MS nutritional medium with 0.2 mg/L Thidiazuron (TDZ) was the best medium for plant regeneration. The dispersed calli were grown in a nutritional medium designed for suspension culture in a nutrient medium mixture comprising MS+0.1 mg/L kinetin. The results obtained with the optimization steps were used in the ongoing study.
Marulda (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia) Mutasyon Islahı Yönteminin Morfolojik Etkileri
(TAGEM, 2024-01-15) Kökpınar Sarıçam, Şule; Kantoğlu Kadriye Yaprak; Ellialtıoğlu, Şebnem
Lactuca sativa (marul ve salatalar), yapraklı sebzeler grubunda yer alan en önemli ürünlerden biridir. Genel olarak marul, yaprak salata (kıvırcık) ve baş salata (aysberg) olarak gruplandırılan bu türün şekil, büyüklük ve renk bakımından oldukça farklı çeşitleri bulunmaktadır. Çalışmada; marulda (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia) mutasyon ıslahı yoluyla agronomik ve kalite özellikleri bakımından farklı yeni genotipler ortaya çıkarmak, bu bireylerin gen havuzunda varyasyon kaynağı olarak yer almasını sağlamak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, 2018 yılında, ‘Cervantes’ ve ‘Escule’ ticari marul çeşitlerinin tohumlarına Co⁶⁰ ışın kaynağı kullanılarak 0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 ve 600 Gy’lik dozlarda gama ışını uygulanmış, Etkili Mutasyon Dozu (EMD50) 254.45 Gy olarak belirlenmiştir. Kontrol ve M₄ seviyesinde seçilmiş 36 adet mutant hatta marul başlarının boyu, çapı, ağırlığı, yaprak rengi incelenmiştir. Baş boyu 23.09-32.69 cm, baş çapı 11.40-14.28 cm, baş ağırlığı 390.03-986.07 g arasında değişim göstermiştir. Renk bakımından hatların L* değerinin 36.72-57.12, a* değerinin -18.23, -9.90, b* değerinin de 12.60-37.47 aralıklarında olduğu saptanmıştır. Morfolojik özellikler bakımından üstün özellik gösteren 62, 66, 71, 72, 74, 77, 84, 100 no.lu hatlar mutant çeşit adayı olarak belirlenmiştir.
Mutasyon ıslahı yöntemiyle ülkemize ait ilk yerli kasımpatı çeşitlerinin geliştirilmesi
(Düzce Üniversitesi Süs ve Tıbbi Bitkiler Botanik Bahçesi Dergisi, 2024-04-22) Haspolat Gülden; Kunter, Burak; Kantoğlu Kadriye Yaprak; Şenel, Ümran; Özzambak, Ercan Mustafa
Bu çalışmanın amacı ticari açıdan önemi olan kasımpatı bitkisinde kesme çiçek, dış mekân ve saksı çiçeği olarak kullanılabilecek yeni çeşitler veya çeşit adayları geliştirmektir. Ülkemiz süs bitkileri sektöründe materyal temininde söz konusu olan dışa bağımlılığı aza indirmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla kasımpatıda yeni renk ve şekil değişimleriyle ortaya çıkacak yerli çeşitler elde etmeye yönelik ıslah çalışmaları planlanmıştır. Kesme kasımpatı çeşidi 'Bacardi', materyal olarak kullanılmış ve boğum eksplantları in vitro kültüre alınmıştır. In vitro eksplantlar, etkili mutajen dozunu (EMD) belirlemek amacıyla; 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ve 30 Gy (Gray) dozlarında gama ışını ile ışınlanmıştır. Işınlamadan sonra rejenerasyonun 60. gününde sürgün ve kök ölçümleri yapılarak EMD 20 Gy olarak belirlenmiştir. EMD’si belirlenen eksplantlar, 20 Gy ile yeniden ışınlanmıştır. M1V4 dönemine kadar in vitro alt kültürlere devam edilmiş ve bu dönemde farklı çiçek yapıları, çiçeklenme zamanı, bitki boyuna göre farklılaşma, bitkideki çiçek sayısı ve dilsi çiçek farklılaşmaları gözlemlenmiştir. Dilsi çiçeklerde, renk değişimleri pembe ve sarı tonları olarak belirlenmiştir. Seçilen olumlu mutantların oranı % 0,9 olarak hesaplanmıştır.
Effects of Two Different Gamma Ray Sources on In Vitro Shoot Explantation of Fraser Photinia and Determination of Effective Mutation Dose
(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-12-03) Türkmen, Onur Sinan; Kantoğlu, K. Yaprak; Ellialtıoğlu, Ş. Şebnem
Fraser photinia (Photinia × fraseri cv. Red Robin) is widely preferred as ornamental plant in garden designs due to environmental resilience and decorative feature. Considering the increasing adaptation capacity of the existing varieties of the species to changing climatic conditions, efforts to develop new varieties with high attractiveness to the market have started to increase. The in vitro mutation breeding method has serious potential for expanding the existing variability for this species, which is prone to in vitro propagation. Determining the applicability of ionizing gamma ray sources for in vitro mutation studies on Fraser photinia is crucial. In this study, two different gamma-ionizing radiation sources cesium 137 (137Cs) and cobalt 60 (60Co) were used to determine the radiation sensitivity of in vitro shoot explants, and effective mutation dose (EMD50) values were determined for the sources. For this purpose, in vitro shoot explants were irradiated at thirteen different doses ranging from thirteen different doses (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 130 Gy) with 60Co (Dose rate: 235 Gy/h) and 137Cs (Dose rate: 821 Gy/h) gamma ray sources. Thirty days after irradiation, shoot length and number of leaves were measured in in vitro plantlets, and EMD50 values were calculated by linear regression analysis. The EMD50 dose based on the number of leaves as a result of cesium-137 source ray application was determined as 60.34 Gy, while this value was determined as 80.88 Gy for cobalt- 60 source. According to these results, it was seen that the source power, irradiation time, and the effect created by the linear energy transfer value of the beam during tissue penetration were effective on the EMD50 dose difference.
Efficient Purification and Production of Rare Earth Metals from Bastnasite Ore: Beneficiation, Leaching, Solvent Extraction, and Metallothermic Reduction Approaches
(IMNR, 2024-10-30) KOÇ DELİCE, Tülay; TÜRKER, Gülşah; KUTLUATA, Onur Berk; ŞEŞEN, Halil; SOYDAŞ SÖZER, Belma; PITICESCU, Radu Robert; Bogdanescu, Cristian
Rare earth elements (REE) are one of the indispensable raw materials of modern technologies and are used in many critical applications such as magnetic materials, catalysts and batteries. The economic and efficient recovery of REE from ores is of great importance to reduce global supply risks [1,2] This study investigates the production of high purity rare earth metals by physical pre-benefication, leaching, solvent extraction and metallothermic reduction steps applied in the process of recovery of rare earth elements from bastnasite ore containing rare earth elements. Bastnasite occurs naturally with fluorite, barite, calcite, quartz, hematite and some silicates. Various methods, mainly gravity separation, magnetic separation, flotation and electrical separation, can be used to extract these gangue minerals [3]. In the present study, bastnasite ore was subjected to crushing-grinding-sieving processes and pre-enrichment process was carried out. The direct leaching and roasting methods were applied to the screened ore and the pre-beneficatio ore sample with a particle size of -45 µm was then subjected to mineral acid leaching with and without roasting. The effects of roasting temperature, roasting type, acid type, acid concentration on the leaching efficiency of the pre-enriched ore concentrate were investigated. Solvent extraction parameters were investigated for the purification and selective recovery of REEs from the REE loaded solution obtained. In the following stage of the study, we focused on the production of high purity rare earth metals from rare earth oxides purified by solvent extraction by metallothermic method. The metallothermic process is based on a reduction reaction, usually using reactive metals such as Ca or Mg. In this study, neodymium metal (Nd) production by metallothermic reduction method using neodymium oxide (Nd₂O₃) obtained after solvent extraction process with 95%-97% Nd content is discussed. Mg was selected as the reactive metal. The reduction reaction was carried out in vacuum under high temperature conditions (800-1000°C). As a result of metallothermic reduction, high purity neodymium sponge was obtained.