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Item Radyonüklid Bakımından Zengin Plaj Kumlarının Mineralojik Bileşiminin Değerlendirilmesi, Geyikli-Çanakkale (Batı Anadolu) Assessment of mineralogical composition of the natural radionuclide rich beach sands in Geyikli, Çanakkale (Western Anatolia)(Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yerbilimleri Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Bülteni (Bulletin of the Earth Sciences Application and Research Centre of Hacettepe University, 0021-11-24) GÜLMEZ, FATMA; YILDIRIM, AYDIN; ŞİŞMAN TÜKEL, FATMA; ÜNAL ERCAN, HATİCE; ÖRGÜN TUTAY, YÜKSEL; KARACIK, ZEKİYEBu çalışma, Batı Anadolu'da Kestanbol plütonunu da bulunduran Miyosen yaşlı Ezine-Ayvacık magmatik kompleksinin kıyısı boyunca uzanan sahilde gözlenen radyonüklid bakımından zengin plaj kumlarının mineralojik bileşimini ele almaktadır. Sahil boyunca radyonüklitlerin plaj kumlarındaki dağılımı düzensizdir. Hantepe plajında en yüksek 238U ve 232Th serisi spesifik aktiviteleri gözlenirken, 40K spesifik aktivitesi orta düzeydedir. Buna karşılık, olasılıkla Kestanbol plütonundan türeyen malzemelerin ağırlıkta olduğu güneydeki plajlarda, Hantepe plajına kıyasla daha yüksek 40K ile daha düşük 238U ve 232Th serisi spesifik aktiviteleri gözlenmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında gama spektrometresi, tüm ve noktasal jeokimya analizleri kullanılmış, kum örneklerinin mineralojik bileşimi ve Kestanbol plütonuna ait felsik damar kayaçları ile nefelin monzogabro ve tefrifonolitik dayklar gibi farklı litolojilerinin radyonüklid konsantrasyonlarının değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, Hantepe plajındaki yüksek radyoaktivitenin kaynağının torit grubu mineraller olduğunu ve Kestanbol plütonunun pegmatitik damarlarının, bu minerallerin ana kayacı olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bununla birlikte, Miyosen magmatizmasının tüm ürünlerinin farklı seviyelerde radyoelement ve radyonüklid zenginleşmeleri sergilediği, diğer kayaç yapıcı ve aksesuar minerallerin de potansiyel olarak bölgedeki yüksek doğal arka plan radyasyonuna katkıda bulunduğu değerlendirilmiştir. This study investigates the mineralogical composition of radionuclide-rich beach sands along the coast of the Miocene Ezine-Ayvacık magmatic complex including Kestanbol pluton, in Western Anatolia. The distribution of the radionuclides shows variations along the coast with the highest recorded radioactivity at Hantepe Beach, where specific activities of the 238U-, and 232Th-series are significantly high, while 40K concentrations are moderate. In contrast, the southern beaches, dominated by material from the Kestanbol pluton, have higher 40K concentrations but lower 238U-, and 232Th-series specific activities than Hantepe beach. Using gamma spectrometry, bulk geochemical, and in-situ analyses, we provide a detailed assessment of the mineralogical composition of the sand samples and the primordial radionuclide concentrations of the different lithologies within the Kestanbol pluton, such as felsic veins, nepheline monzogabbro and tephriphonolitic dykes. We suggest that thorite group minerals control the high radioactivity at Hantepe beach, and pegmatitic veins of the Kestanbol pluton are the main source rock for thorite minerals. However, all the products of Miocene magmatism in the region exhibit elevated radioelement and radionuclide contents suggesting that other accessory and rock-forming minerals are the potential contributors to the high natural background radiation in the area.Item Isotopic and isotonic yields in nuclear fission(T.A.E.C. Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1962) Erben, M. Talat; Güven, Binay; TAEK-ÇNAEMThe curves for isotopic and isotonic fission yields are calculated and shown to be the Weierstrass transforms of the isoboaric yield curve. The Well-known mass asymmetry of the fission is associated with asymmetry in charge and in neutron contents. There are "forbidden" zones at 44 Z 48 and at 64 N 78, where formation probabilities are extremely low. The distribution of the number of neutrons of the fission fragments is much narrower than what would be expected on the basis of the variation ranges for Z and N. The ambiguity existing about whether the fragments of a pair are meant to complement before or after prompt neutron boil-off is removed, and Glendenin's treatment is confirmed. There are indications, which are in full agreement with the properties of Wahl's empirical Z(p) function, that the proton closed shell contribution (if any) to the fine structure observed in the isobaric yield curve may be larger than the contribution of the neutron closed shell. The isotopic yields of the known nuclides are significantly smaller than the yields defined by the full theoretical curves for Z = 38, 39, 40, 41, 52, and 57, indicating that new isotopes of Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Te, and La are still to be identified as primary fission products from the thermal neutron fission of U(235).Item The most general equations for multigroup neutron diffusion in P1 approximation(T.A.E.C. Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1962) Şuhubi, Erdoğan; Özemre, Ahmed Yüksel; TAEK-ÇNAEMStarting from the general transport equation and within the limits of P1 approximation, a set of coupled second order partial integro-differential equations is obtained. These equations consider the effect of m groups of retarded neutrons and contain both the first and the second derivatives of the neutron fluxes with respect to the time variable.Item On second order correction to the average extrapolation length(T.A.E.C., Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1963) İnönü, E.; TAEK-ÇNAEMA first-order expression for the average extrapolation length in bare thermal reactors was given previously on the basis, of a many-group calculation. C. Yalçın extended this calculation to second order and obtained a complicated correction term which does not seem easy to apply. His results are analyzed and simplified here by considering the limit for continuous slowing down. It is shown that the second order correction is of the order of d/R, where is the first order average extrapolation length and R is a length which characterizes the size of the reactor.Item Derivation de I'equation de nordheim a partır de I'equation de diffusion(T.A.E.C. Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1963) Özemre, Ahmet Yüksel; TAEK-ÇNAEMBu makalede Nordheim denklemi, sâdece çoğaltkan bir ortamın ılık nötronlarının difüzyon denklemine dayanılarak çıkartılmaktadır. Bu, farklı m grup gecikmiş nötronun ortamın nötron bilançosuna iştiraklerini uygun bir tarzda ifâde eden bir kaynak teriminin difüzyon denklemine ilâvesiyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Nordheim denklemini elde etmek için tek bir diferansiyel denklemin göz önüne alınmış olması, şimdiye kadar tatbik edilmekte olan ve ılık nötronların difüzyon denkleminden ve aynı zamanda gecikmiş nötron neşreden fisyon ürünü ana çekirdeklerin yoğunluklarını veren m adet küple denklemden faydalanma esâsına dayanan metoda nisbetle âşikâr olarak mühim bir sâdelik arzetmektedir.Item Crystal spectrometer measurement of Çekmece TR-1 thermal neutron spectrum(T.A.E.C., Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1964) Domaniç, F.; TAEK-ÇNAEM; Akyüz, Ö.; Bayvas, F.; Cansoy, Ç.The Thermal Neutron Spectrum of Çekmece TR-1 was measured by using a double drystal spectrometer and NaCf crystal with its (200) plane as monochromator. The neutron energy which corresponds to the maximum of thermal flux distribution was found to be E(0) = 0,0595 ev. Assuming that the flux distribution to be Maxwellian an attempt was made to analyze the measured data to evaluate the effective neutron temperature in the beam hole. Because the theoretical expressions given in the latest publications are found to be unsatisfactory in representing neutron reflectivity for slow neutrons, an experiment was carried out to determine the reflectivity in dependence of neutron energy, the results of the experiment showed that the reflectivity in proportional to E-0,45. By using this empirical relation the effective neutron temperature was found to be ≈ 337°K.Item Sur la structure du groupe de galois de la fermeture algebrique d'un corps de series de puissances sur un corps fini et les conducteurs d'Artin(T.A.E.C., Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1964-05) Arf, Cahit; TAEK-ÇNAEMItem Discussion on the possibilities of producing mutants resistant to peronospora tabacina (blue mold disease) of tobacco plants by seed treatment with ionizing radiation(T.A.E.C., Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1964-11) TAEK-ÇNAEM; Polar, EmineItem On the Özemre's approach to the problem of reflected media(T.A.E.C., Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1964-12) TAEK-ÇNAEM; Ertek, ÇetinIt is shown that the global method proposed by Özemre for reflected media is based on a tacit assumption which can not hold in general but which turns out to be a fair approximation. The comparison of this method with the two group and the modified one group theories suggests that it occupies a place between them.Item On the two dimensional solutions for an elastic semi-infinite medium with couple stress(T.A.E.C., Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1965-04) Şuhubi, E. S.; TAEK-ÇNAEMThe governing differential equations for an elastic medium with couple stress are solved for a semi-infinite region in static plane deformation by using Fourier transforms. The formal solution can be utilized in a large class of boundary value problems concerning the region in question. For an arbitrary distribution of surface tractions and moments explicit results are given and the solution is obtained for the uniformly distributed surface tractions and moments.Item Kinetics of the reaction of Tetrachloro-p-Benzoquinone with TRI-n-Dodecyl amine(T.A.E.C. Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1965-10) Erben, M. Talat; Dinçler, Güngör; TAEK-ÇNAEMThe kinetics of the reaction of chloranil with tri-n-dodecyl amine have been investigated in the temperature range 100-115.5°C and in the concentration range 0.036-0.0697 M. The kinetics follow a simple second-order mechanism. The energy of activation is 19.7 Kcal./mole. The reaction product is a quaternary amnonium salt, (trichloro-p-benzoquinonyl)-tri-n-dodecyl ammonium chloride. The rate constant is given by: k = 5.74 x 10(10) exp(-9950/T) (minute)(-1) (mole)(-1)Item Inversion of the cyanide group into iso-cyanide under gamma irradiation(T.A.E.C., Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1965-10) Erben, M. Talat; Ünseren, Envare; Seber, Nurten; TAEK-ÇNAEMInfrared spectrophotometric evidence indicates that gamma irradiation of the nitriles causes partial inversion of the cyanide group into iso-cyanide according to the following mechanism: In the gamma flux, some of the cyanide groups are detached from the nitrile as cyan free radicals and, owing to their resonance-hybrid structure, .C=N - <-> - C=N., two distinct recombination processes take place leading partly to the usual cyanide and partly to the iso-cyanide, respectively. From a comparison of the optical densities at the characteristic frequency of the iso-cyanide absorption band in irradiated methacrylonitrile and ethyl iso-cyanide it is concluded that at least 20% of the cyanide groups were transformed into iso-cyanide in a specific sample of methacrylonitrile irradiated to a total dose of 0.1 megarads.Item A home-made neutron crystal spectrometer for research and training(T.A.E.C., Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1965-11) Akyüz, R. Ö.; Cansoy, Ç.; Domaniç, F.; TAEK-ÇNAEMIn order to make experimental research in the field of low energy nuclear physics, a crystal neutron spectrometer is constructed in ÇNAEM. The energy range is between 0,025 - 6 eV. The available monochromator single crystals are Be, NaCl, (CaCO3), Pb. The minimum precise rotation of spectrometer is 1 minute of arc in Bragg angle. Two Soller type collimators, one from reactor to crystal and the other from sample to counter, are used. The net angular divergence is approximately 5 minutes of arc. Counting system consists of two channels, one of which is used for monitoring the reactor. Counter tubes are B10 enriched BF3 proportional counters. The main problem in construction was, to design and give precise movement to the heavy crystal shielding.Item Topkapı Sarayı harem dairesi su yollarının sodyum-24 kullanılarak izlenmesi(T.C. Başbakanlık Atom Enerjisi Komisyonu, Çekmece Nükleer Araştırma Merkezi, 1965-3) Edgüer, E.; Göksel, S. A.; Öner, Ö.; Soyberk, Ö.; Tömek, F.; TAEK-ÇNAEMItem Turkish Atomic Energy Commission third activity report of the radioactive fallout laboratory : for the period of August 1965 - July 1966(Turkish Atomic Energy Commission, 1966) Şenvar, C. B.; Ergin, M.; Usul, F.; Tuğsavul, Ayşen; Yazgan, E.; Saygılı, N.; TAEKItem Nükleer güç maliyetinde eğilimler : Atomic Energy of Canada limited raporu no. 2534, 1966(T.A.E.K., Çekmece Nükleer Araştırma Merkezi, 1966-06) Haywood, L. R.; TAEK-ÇNAEM; Ünal, ÇetinKanada, Fransa, İngiltere ve Birleşik Amerika Devletlerindeki nükleer santralların yayınlanmış hakiki ve tahmin edilen birim yatırım maliyetleri, 1966 yılındaki rayiç dolara ve bir tek 500 MWe’lik üniteyi haiz santrallardaki maliyetlere göre normalize edilmiştir. Böylece maliyet değerlerinin eğilimlerini, birim büyüklüğünün ve fiat artışlarının tesirleri olmaksızın bulmak kabildir. Yayınlanmış santral verimleriyle, birim yatırım maliyetindeki değişmeyi verimdeki değişmeye bağlayan bir katsayı, birim yatırım maliyeti üzerinde, verimi arttırmanın tesirini hesaplamayı mümkün kılar. Candu Nükleer Santrallarından elde edilecek enerjinin maliyetini indirecek pek çok faktör teklif edilmiş ve bu faktörlerin herbirinin bu indirimdeki payı bir özel hal için hesap edilmiştir. Teklif edilmiş faktörler ve ünitenin 1976 yılında işletmeye açılacağı farzedilerek, 1000 MWe lik Candu ünitesinden elde edilecek enerjinin maliyeti bulunmuştur.Item Determination of thallium by activation analysis based on the reaction 203T1 (n, 2n) 202T1(T. A. E. C., Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1966-09) Erben, M. Talat; Okar, Sevim; TAEK-ÇNAEMThermal neutron activation of thallium leads to 3.9-year 204T1 and 4.3-min. 206T1 isotopes which are not gamma emitters. However, a method of analysis based on the reaction 203T1(n, γ) 204T1 has been developed by Delbecq et al., and used to detect thallium amounts with a sensistivity of 0.1 µg. In spite of this high sensitivity, this method has the disadvantage of measuring the beta activity and therefore is not very specific. In the present note an activation analysis based on the reaction 203T1(n,2n) 202T1 is discussed. The product isotope 202T1 has a convenient half-life of 12 days and is a gamma emitter, thereby makes the determination specific. On the other hand, owing to the rather high threshold (8-9 MeV) for this reaction the sensitivity is only about 20 µg of thallium for samples irradiated for 30 hours in the close-vicinity of the reactor fuel in a total flux of 10(13) n/cm2/sec.Item Memleketimizde nükleer gücün maliyeti(T.A.E.K. Çekmece Nükleer Araştırma Merkezi, 1966-10) Ünal, Çetin; TAEK-ÇNAEMMemleketimizde 1975 yalında kurulacağı kabul edilen nükleer güç santrailarından elde edilecek birim enerji maliyetleri, 3 tip nükleer güç santralı, yani kaynayan su reaktörü, gaz ile soğutulan ve grafit ile yavaşlandırılan reaktör ve ağır su ile yavaşlardırilan ve soğutulan reaktör kullanan 300 MWe, 4-00 MWe, 500 MWe, 700 MV/e kapasitelerindeki nükleer güç santrali arı için yük faktörleri 0,8 ve 0,5 alınarak hesap edildi, Böylece nükleer güç santrallarının esas yükü ve pik yükü taşı» ması fonksiyonları halinde birim enerji maliyetlerinin mukayesesi yapılabilir. Elde edilmiş birim enerji maliyetleri, Türkiye'deki şimdiki ortalama birim enerji maliyetinden daha düşüktür. Bu çalışmada varılan netice, Türkiye'de mümkün olan en yakın gelecekte, nükleer güç santrallarının kurulması lâzım geldiği hususudur. Hemekadar, bir nükleer güç santralı kurulmasında ekonomik kriter, birim enerji maliyetinin ucuzluğu ise de, bu kriterden ağır basan diğer kriterler, en ekonomik tipin seçilmemesini de mümkün kılabilir.Item Syntheses based on cholanic acid, ∆ 23 - cholone and 23 - amino norcholane(T.A.E.C. Çekmece Nuclear Research Center, 1967-04) Ünseren, Envare; TAEK-ÇNAEMReduction of cholanic acid (III) with lithium aluminum hydride gave cholanyl alconol (IV). Benzoate, chloride, pyridinium chloride hydrate, ethyl carbonate, S-metnyl xanthate derivatives of cholanyl alcohol have been prepared, ∆23-Cholene has been obtained by the pyrolysis of the last two products. Osmium tetroxide hydroxylation of ∆-cnolene afforded 23,24-dioxy cholane (VIII). Schmid reaction on cholanic acid gave 23-amino norcholane (IX). Acetyl, benzoyl, and tosyl derivatives of the amine have been prepared. Reaction with potassium isocyanate gave norcholanyl urea (IX e). Norcholanic acid (X) has been obtained by the alcaline permanganate oxidation of 23-amino norcholane. Lithium aluminum hydride reduction of norcholanic acid gave norcholanyl alconol (XI).Item Pozitif ilimlerde, izotop tatbikatının resimlerle izahı(T.C. Atom Enerjisi Komisyonu, 1968) TAEK; Yülek, G. Gürcan