Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu Kurumsal Araştırma Arşivi

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Çin Karanfili (Dianthus chinensis L.) İçin Mutasyon Islahı Çalışmasına Yönelik Etkili Mutasyon Dozun Belirlenmesi
(Dergipark, 2024-10-14) Çakın, Irmak; Kantoğlu, K. Yaprak; Kunter, Burak; Göktuğ, Aslıhan
Karanfil süs bitkileri içinde mutasyon ıslahına en yatkın olan türlerden bir tanesidir. Bu çalışmada ticari öneme sahip Çin karanfili çeşidinde (Dianthus chinensis L.) yeni çeşit geliştirilmesine yönelik olarak yürütülmesi planlanan mutasyon ıslahı çalışması için çeşide özgü etkili mutasyon dozunun belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Etkili mutasyon dozunun (EMD50) belirlenmesinde fiziksel mutagen olarak (Sezyum 137) Cs137 gamma kaynağı kullanılmıştır. Karanfil tohumlarına 0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 ve 600 Gy olmak üzere yedi farklı dozda ışınlama yapılmıştır. Her doz için otuz adet tohum ekilmiş olup, bu tohumların ışınlamadan 30 gün sonraki bitki gelişimleri gözlenmiştir. Işınlamadan ardından otuzuncu günde elde edilen bitkilerde sürgün gelişimine yönelik ölçümler alınmıştır. Bu ölçümlerden elde edilen ortalama veriler ile lineer regresyon analizi gerçekleştirilerek EMD50 belirlenmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonuncunda 172.16 Gy’lik doz EMD50 değeri olarak tespit edilmiştir.
Ray-Floret Based Rapid Propagation and Detection of Somatic Variation in Selected Mutant Chrysanthemum Individuals
(Dergipark, 2024-09-11) KANTOĞLU, Kadriye Yaprak; KUNTER, Burak; ŞENEL,Ümran; HASPOLAT, Gülden
Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema × grandiflora Tzvelev) is an attractive plant species that responds well to mutation breeding research conducted worldwide. The isolation and propagation of mutant individuals are very important for detecting mutations in in vitro cultures. Using in vitro cultures, it is easy to isolate solid mutants. In this study, the homogeneous reproductive capacity of selected mutant individuals after irradiation was examined using ray floret cultures at the M1V1 stage, based on various flower colors and architectures. The explant materials were obtained from selected mutant plants with yellow, dark red, orange, and spoon-shaped ray florets cultivated in full bloom. After the determination of an effective sterilization method, the ray florets were cultured in Murashige and Skoog's (MS) media, which contained 0.5 mg L-1 1-Naphthalaneacetic acid (NAA) and 2.0 mg L-1 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP). The average rate of plantlet regeneration varied depending on the genotype; mutants with yellow-colored flowers generated 0.6 plantlets per explant, those with orange-colored flowers (1.11), those with dark red-colored flowers (1.16), and those with spoon-shaped flowers (2.71). After plant regeneration, plantlets were cultured in hormone-free MS nutrient medium to ensure full-rooted plant development. The findings of this study showed that in vitro ray floret culture could be used to swiftly and successfully carry out vegetative reproduction of pot-type Brandevil mutants, which are more susceptible to in vivo cutting propagation than pot-type Chrysanthemum cultivars. In the propagating material, there were obtained four differently colored somaclonal plants, eleven partial somaclonal plants with incurved-type ray florets, eight somaclonal plants with spatulate-type florets, one somaclonal plant with a semi-double-type flower head, and two somaclonal plants with pointed and reflexing ray florets.
Inflation and reheating predictions of minimally coupled β-exponential potential with an R2 term in the Palatini formulation
(T.C. Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu, 2024-08-29) Bostan, Nilay; Dejrah, Rafid H.
In this work, we focus on the inflationary predictions of β-exponential potential models, where the field delineating the size of extra-dimension is represented as the inflaton. We include an R2 term in the Palatini gravity since it provides a well-motivated starting point for the analysis of physics at very high energies. Furthermore, the inflaton oscillates around the minimum of the inflation potential until the universe is reheated at the end of the inflationary epoch. This occurs during the reheating phase, at which inflaton decays into the Standard Model particles, which filled the universe. Regardingly, we extend our examination by taking into consideration the reheating effects on inflationary observables. Assuming the standard thermal history after inflation, we present the inflationary predictions, ns,r, dns/d ln k of β-exponential potential with minimal coupling in Palatini R2 gravity by considering the reheating cases. We show that this specific kind of model allows one to study a wide range of predictions to have a better analysis for the inflationary era by adjusting the model parameters, α, β, λ. In addition, different kinds of constraints from a variety of observations, such as BICEP/Keck, Planck 2018, the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO), as well as future possible detectable constraints by CMB-S4 are taken into consideration in this study. We find that our results are in good agreement with the recent data and sensitivity forecast for the future CMB-S4.
Metabolite profiling of four Tunisian Eucalyptus essential oils and assessment of their insecticidal and antifungal activities
(Elsevier, 2023-11-16) Khedri, Sana; Khammassi, Marwa; Bouhachem, Sonia Boukhris; Pieracci, Ylenia; Mabrouk, Yassine; Seçer, Emine; Amri, Ismail; Flamini, Guido; Hamrouni, Lamia
Aphids (Aphidoidea) and Fusarium spp. are widely recognized as destructive pests that cause significant damage to crops on a global scale. This study aimed to ascertain the chemical composition of essential oils (EOs) of four Tunisian Eucalyptus species and evaluate their toxicity against common aphids and phytopathogenic fungi. The EOs were obtained via hydrodistillation and subsequently analyzed using GC-MS. The chemical composition analysis revealed the presence of five distinct chemical classes in the EOs: monoterpene hydrocarbons (3.8–16.7 %), oxygenated monoterpenes (5.5–86.0 %), sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (0.2–2.2 %), oxygenated sesquiterpenes (4.2–86.7 %), and non-terpene derivatives (0.1–14.1 %).Hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) of the Eucalyptus leaf EOs highlighted significant differences among them, leading to the generation of distinct HCA clades representing at least twelve major components. The statistical analysis clearly demonstrated a dose-response relationship, indicating the impact of the tested EOs on the growth of insects and fungal mycelium. The observed effects varied due to the variability in the chemical compositions of the EOs. Notably, among the EOs tested, Eucalyptus lesoufii Maiden exhibited particularly potent effects against the targeted insect and fungal species. This research contributes to the ongoing explo- ration of natural alternatives to chemical pesticides, providing further insights for potential in- dustrial applications. It underscores the versatility of these EOs and their potential as valuable candidates in strategies for pest and disease management.
The study of dosimetric properties of sulfanilic acid in low radiation dose range using the ESR technique
(Taylor&Francis, 2024-01-26) Tepe Çam, Semra
The development of new dosimeters with good dosimetric proper-ties is important for quality control in radiation applications. In thisstudy, the potential of sulfanilic acid (C6H7NO3S) powder form, as adosimeter in low-dose ionizing radiation (<30 Gy), was analyzed byan Electron Spin Resonance spectrometer (Bruker EMX-131 X-band).Gamma irradiations were performed at room temperature (290 K)using a60Co gamma cell supplying a dose rate of 32 Gy/h and Xphoton irradiations at 6 and 18 MV energies were performed usinga variant DHX model clinical linear accelerator (Linac) at a dose rateof 3 Gy/min. While unirradiated (control) sulfanilic acid exhibited noESR signal, the irradiated sample showed a single-line ESR spectrumspread over a magnetic field range of 100 G, as shown in Figure2.Variations of the peak heights with the sample mass irradiated at2 Gy gamma dose were studied in the range of 130–330 mg. The ESRsignal intensity observed at g-factor=2.0053 of this compound isdependent on sample mass, so∼250 mg was chosen at each step ofthe study. The paramagnetic center formed in the gamma-irradiatedsulfanilic acid was followed over 50 days. The dose-response curveswere given in the dose range from 0.05 to 10 Gy for the sampleexposed to gamma radiation and for the sample exposed in therange of 0.05 Gy–30 Gy at 6 and 18 MV X-ray energies. The fittingvalues of the function that best describes dose-response curves arecalculated. In the g value region, where the ESR signal was observedin the irradiated sample, the lowest dose value at which the sig-nal could be read was 50 mGy, significantly different from the noise.With all these investigations, sulfanilic acid can be used to esti-mate gamma radiation dose within boundary conditions in medicalapplications.