The use of p-n junction diodes as low temperature thermometers
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Turkish Atomic Energy Commission, Ankara Nuclear Research and Traning Center
Çeşitli p-n eklem tipi silikon ve germanyum diyotların sıcaklık - doğru beslem karakteristikleri 77-300 °K sıcaklık bölgesinde incelenmiştir. Sıcaklık - doğru beslem karakteristikleri ekstrapole edilerek silikon ve germanyumun sıfır °K'deki enerji band aralıkları hesaplanmıştır. Bulunan değerlerin diğer yöntemlerle elde edilen değerlerle uyuştuğu ve aynı zamanda bu diyotların bir alçak sıcaklık termometresi olarak da kullanılabileceği gösterilmiştir.
Temperature versus forward voltage characteristics are studied for different p-n junction silicon and germanium diodes for 77-300 CK temperature range. The zero temperature energy gaps of silicon and germanium are calculated by extrapolating the temperature vs. forward voltage characteristics to zero temperature. The results are in good agreement with values obtained by other authors. At the same time, it was shown that the p-n junction diodes could be used as low temperature thermometers.
Temperature versus forward voltage characteristics are studied for different p-n junction silicon and germanium diodes for 77-300 CK temperature range. The zero temperature energy gaps of silicon and germanium are calculated by extrapolating the temperature vs. forward voltage characteristics to zero temperature. The results are in good agreement with values obtained by other authors. At the same time, it was shown that the p-n junction diodes could be used as low temperature thermometers.
Thermometers, Termometreler, Low temperature, Düşük sıcaklık, p-n junction diodes, p-n bağlantı diyotları
Türek, D. (1977). The use of p-n junction diodes as low temperature thermometers. Technical Journal, 4(2), 60-67.