Accelerator technology for the mankind
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Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Radiation Problems ve Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
Particle accelerators technology is one of the generic technologies which is locomotive of the development in almost all fields of science and technology. According to the U. S. Department of Energy: Accelerators underpin eveiy activity of the Office of Science and, increasingly, of the entire scientific enterprise. From biology to medicine, from materials to metallurgy, from elementary particles to the cosmos, accelerators provide the microscopic information that forms the basis for scientific understanding and applications. The combination of ground and satellite based observatories and particle accelerators will advance our understanding of our world, our galaxy, our universe, and ourselves.
Because of this, accelerator technology should become widespread all over the world. Existing situation shows that a large portion of the world, namely the South and Mid-East, is poor on the accelerator technology. UNESCO has recognized this deficit and started SESAME project in Mid-East, namely Jordan. Turkic Accelerator Complex (TAC) project is more comprehensive and ambitious project, from the point of view of it includes light sources, particle physics experiments and proton and secondary beam applications.
At this stage, TAC project includes:
• Linac-ring type charm factory
• Synchrotron light source based on positron ring
• Free electron laser based on electron linac
• GeV scale proton accelerator
• TAC-Test Facility.
First part of this presentation is devoted to general status of particle accelerators around the world. The second part deal with the status of the TAC proposal.
Accelerator technology, Hızlandırıcı teknolojisi, Mankind, İnsanlık
Sultansoy, S. (2006). Accelerator technology for the mankind. The Fourth Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application : Presentations, (s. 583-591). 31 October-3 November 2006. Baku, Azerbaijan.