Radiothermolyuminescence of the elektroaktivity composites polymer-piezokeramiks

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Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Radiation Problems ve Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
The purpose of present work is the investigation of radiothermoluminescense (RTL) of polymer- piezoceramics composites to study structural transitions, particularities of charge stabilizations in composites dependence on degree of the filling (up to 50% vol.) and y - radiation dose (up to 3 -10(4) Gy). These researches allow to get information on intensities of relaxation processes in multiphase system. It is shown, that with increase of dose of γ- irradiation the nature of change of temperature of the first maximum Tm for PEHD and its composites significantly differs. We suppose, that this is connected with shallow impurities formed by filler particles. Actually, the activation effective energy of low temperature γ- processes decreases with increasing of filling degree. It is observed, that dependencies of intensities of low temperature maximum and values of effective density of electret charge on volume content of piezophase practically coincide.
Elektroaktivity composites, Elektroaktivite kompozitleri, Radiothermolyuminescence, Radyotermolüminesans, Polymer-piezokeramiks, Polimer-piezokeramikleri
Kuliev, M. M., Ismayilova, R. S. ve Bagirov, M. A. (2006). Radiothermolyuminescence of the elektroaktivity composites polymer-piezokeramiks. The Fourth Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application : Presentations, (s. 525-530). 31 October-3 November 2006. Baku, Azerbaijan.