The separation of 65Zn from 113Sn and 207Bi radioisotopes by amalgam exchange and electro-analytical methods
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Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
Bu çalışmada 113Sn ve 207Bi radyoizotoplarından birinin ya da her ikisinin içerildiği çözeltilerden, amalgam değişimi ve elektroanalitik yöntemlerin uygulanması ile 65Zn radyoizotopunun ayrılması incelendi. İlk basamakta, radyoizotoplar çözeltiden çinko amalgamına çekildiler. İkinci basamakta, 65Zn geri elektrolizle amalgamdan geri kazanılarak diğer radyoizotoplardan ayrıldı. Herhangi bir bulaşma gözlenmedi. 65Zn için geri kazanma verimi % 75 dolayında bulundu.
In this study, by using amalgam-exchange and electro-analytical methods, the separation of 65Zn radioisotope from a solution containing either one or both of the 113Sn and 207Bi radioisotopes were investigated. The radioisotopes were drawn into Zn-amalgam from the solution at first, and then 65Zn was recovered from the amalgam through back-electrolysis. No detectable contamination was observed and the recovery efficiency was found to be around 75 %.
In this study, by using amalgam-exchange and electro-analytical methods, the separation of 65Zn radioisotope from a solution containing either one or both of the 113Sn and 207Bi radioisotopes were investigated. The radioisotopes were drawn into Zn-amalgam from the solution at first, and then 65Zn was recovered from the amalgam through back-electrolysis. No detectable contamination was observed and the recovery efficiency was found to be around 75 %.
Electro-analytical methods, Elektroanalitik yöntem, Amalgam exchange, Amalgam değişimi, Separation, Ayrılma, Radioisotopes, Radyoizotoplar, 65Zn, 113Sn, 207Bi
Gök, R. ve Erdüger, E. (1982). The separation of 65Zn from 113Sn and 207Bi radioisotopes by amalgam exchange and electro-analytical methods. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences, 9(3), 108-111.