Nükleer emniyet olaylarında ulusal karşılık verme planı
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Tez çalışmasında, Türkiye’de meydana gelebilecek nükleer emniyet olaylarına karşılık vermek üzere birden fazla kurum ve kuruluşun görev aldığı örnek bir ulusal karşılık verme planı hazırlanmıştır. Nükleer emniyet olaylarında ulusal karşılık verme planının amacı, uygulanacak müdahale faaliyetlerinin tanımlanması ve bu faaliyetleri yürütmekle görevli kurum ve kuruluşların belirlenmesidir. Bu amaçla, hazırlanan ulusal planda yer alan yetkili kurum ve kuruluşların yasal düzenlemeleri incelenerek olaylara müdahale süreci tanımlanmıştır. Ayrıca müdahale süreci oluşturulurken Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Ajansı tarafından yayımlanan konu ile ilgili dokümanlardan da faydalanılmıştır. Müdahale sürecinde, kurumlararası koordinasyondan sorumlu olan ulusal kurumlar belirlenmiştir.
Nükleer emniyet olaylarında karşılık verme planına ilişkin, olayın tespit edilmesi, olay hakkında ilk bildirimin yapılması ve bildirim süresi, olay yeri yönetimi, iletişim merkezleri, uluslararası kuruluşlara bildirim ve olay soruşturması olmak üzere yürütülecek tüm müdahale faaliyetleri tezde tanımlanmıştır.
Çalışma sonucunda, oluşturulan örnek ulusal müdahale planı ile birlikte diğer ülkelerin mevzuatı doğrultusunda ulusal mevzuata öneriler getirilmiştir.
In this thesis a sample national response plan was prepared that several authorities were assigned to respond to nuclear security events which may occur in Turkey. The main aim of the national response plan to nuclear security events is to assign the roles and responsibilities of the competent authorities and establish the response process in order to minimize the consequences of events. For this purpose, in this thesis the legislation of the competent authorities roles and responsibilities and the response process was established based on national legislations. For the design of the response process to the nuclear security events International Atomic Energy Agency’s documents were used. The coordinator authority which is responsible for the coordination between the other competent authorities was assigned. Moreover the coordination mechanism between the authorities was identified as well. In the scope of the thesis, the activities to be carried out regarding the investigation related to the nuclear security response plan, the first notification about the event, the crime scene management and response officers, the communication centers, reporting to the international authorities and the reporting periods were identified. As a result of the study, national legislations were proposed.
In this thesis a sample national response plan was prepared that several authorities were assigned to respond to nuclear security events which may occur in Turkey. The main aim of the national response plan to nuclear security events is to assign the roles and responsibilities of the competent authorities and establish the response process in order to minimize the consequences of events. For this purpose, in this thesis the legislation of the competent authorities roles and responsibilities and the response process was established based on national legislations. For the design of the response process to the nuclear security events International Atomic Energy Agency’s documents were used. The coordinator authority which is responsible for the coordination between the other competent authorities was assigned. Moreover the coordination mechanism between the authorities was identified as well. In the scope of the thesis, the activities to be carried out regarding the investigation related to the nuclear security response plan, the first notification about the event, the crime scene management and response officers, the communication centers, reporting to the international authorities and the reporting periods were identified. As a result of the study, national legislations were proposed.
Nuclear security, Nükleer emniyet, Nuclear security events, Nükleer emniyet olayları, Nuclear forensics, Nükleer adli bilimler, Sabotage, Sabotaj, Nuclear material illicit trafficking, Nükleer madde kaçakçılığı, National response plan, Ulusal karşılık verme planı
Coşar, M. (2017). Nükleer emniyet olaylarında ulusal karşılık verme planı. (Yayımlanmamış uzmanlık tezi). Ankara : Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu.