Determination of pore radius and activation temperature of alumina
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Turkish Atomic Energy Commission, Ankara Nuclear Research and Traning Center
Aiümina (MERK) su ile iyice doyurulmuştur. Aluminada kondense olan suyun üçlü nokta sıcaklığı tayin edilmiştir. Bu sıcaklık termal analiz yöntemiyle normal suyunkinden 11°C daha aşağıda bulunmuştur. Kapilerlerde yoğunlaşan suyun üçlü nokta düşmesinden aiümina gözeneklerinin ortalama yarıçapı 43 A° olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bu değer kullanılarak normal atmosfer basıncı altında alumünanın aktivasyon sıcaklığı 580 K olarak hesaplanmıştır.
Alumina (MERK) was soaked with water. The triple point temperature of water, which is condensed in alumina was observed. It has been found 11°C below the bulk water temperature measured by thermal analysis method. The mean radius of pore of alumina has been calculated as 43 A° from the triple point depression of the capillary condensed water. Using this value, the activation temperature of alumina has been calculated as 580 K under the atmospheric pressure.
Alumina (MERK) was soaked with water. The triple point temperature of water, which is condensed in alumina was observed. It has been found 11°C below the bulk water temperature measured by thermal analysis method. The mean radius of pore of alumina has been calculated as 43 A° from the triple point depression of the capillary condensed water. Using this value, the activation temperature of alumina has been calculated as 580 K under the atmospheric pressure.
Alumina, Alümina, Activation temperature, Aktivasyon sıcaklığı, Pore radius, Gözenek yarıçapı, Determination, Belirleme
Sarıkaya, Y. (1979). Determination of pore radius and activation temperature of alumina. Technical Journal, 6(3), 93-96.