Using on based molecular biology approaches to assess plant elusive responses mechanisms to chronic ionizing radiation in radionuclide contaminated Chernobyl zone

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Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Radiation Problems of ANAS
Ministry of Communication and High Technologies of Azerbaijan
Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
National Nuclear Center, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kazakhstan
Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Physics
National Academy of Science, Kyrgyz Republic
Radionuclide contaminated, Radyonüklid ile kirlenmiş, Chernobyl zone, Çernobil bölgesi, Chronic ionizing radiation, Kronik iyonlaştırıcı radyasyon, Based molecular biology approaches, Moleküler biyoloji yaklaşımlarına dayalı, Assess plant elusive responses mechanisms, Bitki zor yanıt mekanizmalarını değerlendirme, Using, Kullanma
Rashydov, N. ve Hajduch, M. (2014). Using on based molecular biology approaches to assess plant elusive responses mechanisms to chronic ionizing radiation in radionuclide contaminated Chernobyl zone. The Seventh Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application: Book of abstracts, (s. 34-36). 21-24 October 2014. Baku, Azerbaijan.