VI. The relation between an adsorption isotherm and charac teristic curve
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Turkish Atomic Energy Commission, Ankara Nuclear Research and Traning Center
Katı maddelerin sulu çözeltiden aktif karbon üzerine adsorpsiyonlarına ait adsorpsion izotermlerini tekabül eden karakteristik eğriden geri hesapla hesaplamak için yeni bir metot geliştirildi. Bu metot bir çok katıların sulu çözeltiden aktif karbon üzerine adsorpsiyonlarına uygulandı.
A method is developed for the back calculation of adsorption isotherms from the corresponding characteristic curve for the adsorption of solid solutes from the water solution. This method is applied to the adsorption of solids onto activated csrbcn from water solution.
A method is developed for the back calculation of adsorption isotherms from the corresponding characteristic curve for the adsorption of solid solutes from the water solution. This method is applied to the adsorption of solids onto activated csrbcn from water solution.
Adsorption isotherm, Adsorpsiyon izotermi, Characteristic curve, Karakteristik eğri, Relation, İlişki
Özcan, M. (1976). VI. The relation between an adsorption isotherm and charac teristic curve. Technical Journal, 3(2), 67-77.