Time dependent distribution and half-life of Zinc-65 in Chub's-leuciscus cephalus-various organs and the effect of chromium on these processes
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Turkish Atomic Energy Commission
Zn-65*in tatlı su kefali "Leuciscus cephalus"un çeşitli organlarındaki zamana bağlı dağılımı, yarı ömrü ve canlı balıktaki total yarılanması daha önceki bir araştırmada /1/ incelenmişti. Bu araştırmada, tıpkı çinko gibi organogen bir element olan ve ortam kirliliği açısından da çinko ile aynı düzeyde bir eser element olan kromun yukarda sözü geçen olayları ne dereceye kadar etkilediği saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Krom etkisi ile çinkonun yan ömrü uzamış ve 112 günden 637 güne çıkmıştır. Organ ve doku düzeyinde yapılan araştırmalar sonucunda Zn-65* in balığın çeşitli organlarında farklı şekilde absorblandığı görülmüştür.
In the previous study /1/ the time dependent distribution of Zn-65 in various organs of "Leuciscus cephalus", the half-life and total half-life in living fish had been investigated. Now, we have tried to find out the effectivity of chromium, which is a trace element and plays some important role in environmental pollution as Zn on the distribution of Zn-65. It has been shown that the biological half-life of Zn-65 increased from 112 to 637 days in presence of chromium and measurement of Zn-65 absorption increased in kidney, gonads, muscles and gall-bladder, decreased in liver, air-bladder, brain and fins but did not change in gills and increased-decreased alternately by time in spleen, blood-clot, stomac and intestine.
In the previous study /1/ the time dependent distribution of Zn-65 in various organs of "Leuciscus cephalus", the half-life and total half-life in living fish had been investigated. Now, we have tried to find out the effectivity of chromium, which is a trace element and plays some important role in environmental pollution as Zn on the distribution of Zn-65. It has been shown that the biological half-life of Zn-65 increased from 112 to 637 days in presence of chromium and measurement of Zn-65 absorption increased in kidney, gonads, muscles and gall-bladder, decreased in liver, air-bladder, brain and fins but did not change in gills and increased-decreased alternately by time in spleen, blood-clot, stomac and intestine.
Various organs, Çeşitli organlar, Time dependent distribution, Zamana bağlı dağılım, Chromium, Krom, Zinc-65 half-life, Zinc-65'in yarılanma ömrü, Processes, Süreçler, Chub's-leuciscus cephalus
Soytürk, B. (1981). Time dependent distribution and half-life of Zinc-65 in Chub's-leuciscus cephalus-various organs and the effect of chromium on these processes. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences, 8(3), 94-99.