Energy absorption at cellular levels from curium isotopes deposited in the lung tissue
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Turkish Atomic Energy Commission
Curium izotoplan bugüne kadar nükleer enerji üretiminin bir artık ürünü olarak meydana gelmiştir. İnsanlar temel olarak teneffüs yolu ile maruz kalmaktadır. Kullanılmış reaktör yakıtlarının işlenmesini takip eden ilk 60 yıl içerisindeki yüksek alfa aktivitesi bu izotoplardan dolayı olmaktadır. Bundan dolayı herhangi bir kaza neticesindeki kontaminasyonun incelenmesi gerekmektedir. Akciğer doku kesitlerinin histolojik karakteristikleri bir elektronik şekil analizörü kullanılarak uygun patern tanıma metodları ile incelendi. Alfa parçacığı izleri birbirleri üzerine yerleştirilerek hücresel yapı ile interaksiyon'u simüle edildi. Hücre sıklık dağılımı ile birlikte belirli çarpışma ihtimali kullanılarak tek hücredeki enerji depolanması miktarı belirlendi.
Curium isotopes are generated hitherto as a waste product in nuclear energy production. Exposure in humans has occured mainly via inhalation. After reprocessing of spent reactor fuel these nuclides represent the highest alpha activity during the first 60 years. Therefore it is necessary to study the resulting radiation exposure in man after accidental contamination. Lung tissue sections were analysed for histological characteristics by means of adaptive pattern recognition methods, using an electronic image analyzer. Alpha particle tracks were superimposed and interaction with cellular structures was simulated. Cell frequency distribution, along with specific hit-probability is used to assess quantitatively the resulting energy deposition in the single cells.
Curium isotopes are generated hitherto as a waste product in nuclear energy production. Exposure in humans has occured mainly via inhalation. After reprocessing of spent reactor fuel these nuclides represent the highest alpha activity during the first 60 years. Therefore it is necessary to study the resulting radiation exposure in man after accidental contamination. Lung tissue sections were analysed for histological characteristics by means of adaptive pattern recognition methods, using an electronic image analyzer. Alpha particle tracks were superimposed and interaction with cellular structures was simulated. Cell frequency distribution, along with specific hit-probability is used to assess quantitatively the resulting energy deposition in the single cells.
Energy absorption, Enerji emilimi, Cellular levels, Hücresel düzeyler, Curium isotopes, Curium izotopları, Lung tissue, Akciğer dokusu
Hofmann, W., Steinhâusler, F. ve Bernroider, G. (1981). Energy absorption at cellular levels from curium isotopes deposited in the lung tissue. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences, 8(1), 3-8.