Analysis of phosphoric acid
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Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
Fosforik asitten yan ürün olarak uranyum kazanılması için uygulanan proseslerde Fe+2, Fe+3, PO-3(4), F-, SO-2(4), Ca+2, U+4, U+6 iyonları etkili olmaktadır. Bunun yanında Fe2+/Fe3+, U4+/U+6 oranları ile asidin toplam yükseltgen ihtiyacı önemli kriterler olarak davranmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada Azot Sanayi T.A.Ş. Samsun Gübre Fabrikasından temin edilen fosforik asit örneklerinde, yukarıda belirtilen tayinler yapılmıştır.
In the processes for recovery of uranium as a by product of phosphoric acid production the following ions are effective: Fe2+ , Fe3+ , PO3-, Al3+ , F- Ca2, SO2-(4). On the other hand, Fe2+/Fe3+, U4+/U6+ ratios and total oxidant consumption of the acid are also very important factors. In this study the above mentioned variables were determined in phosphoric acid samples obtained from Samsun Fertilizer Plant of Turkish Nitrogen Industries Corporation.
In the processes for recovery of uranium as a by product of phosphoric acid production the following ions are effective: Fe2+ , Fe3+ , PO3-, Al3+ , F- Ca2, SO2-(4). On the other hand, Fe2+/Fe3+, U4+/U6+ ratios and total oxidant consumption of the acid are also very important factors. In this study the above mentioned variables were determined in phosphoric acid samples obtained from Samsun Fertilizer Plant of Turkish Nitrogen Industries Corporation.
Phosphoric acid, Fosforik asit, Analysis, Analiz
Kumbur, H., Kaldırımcı, C. ve Yöntem, Z. (1983). Analysis of phosphoric acid. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences, 10(2), 134-139.