Determination of the mixing ratio of cement in prefabricated concrete products by means of radioisotope tracer technique
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Turkish Atomic Energy Commission, Ankara Nuclear Research and Traning Center
Radyoizotop izleme tekniğine dayalı ve bir endüstri mamulü içinde, mamülü meydana getiren bileşenlerden birinin karışımının incelenmesinde kullanılan bir metot verilmiştir. Takriben 10 mCi La-140 aktif izotop ihtiva eden, 1,5 gr La2O3 maddesinin karışım oranı, altı adet prefabrik beton çit direği boyunca incelenmiştir. La-140 radyoizotobunun gamaları, direklerin herbirinin üzerinde seçilen yirmi sekiz nokta boyunca sayılmıştır. La2O3 maddesi karışımdan evvel çimento içinde, karışım işlemine takdim edilmiştir. Karıştırma işlemimin zaman bağımlılığını ortaya koyan, yeni bir teorik yorum getirilmiş ve bunun yardımı ile çimentonun karışım özellikleri, La2O3’in karışım özelliklerine bağlı olarak verilmiştir.
A method to determine the mixing ratio of a component in an industrial product has been introduced, by means of radioisotope tracer technique. 1.5 gr La2O3 which contains approximately 10 mCurie La-140 has been added in concrete during the mixing procedure. The mixing ratio of La2O3 in concrete has been determined by detecting the gamma rays along the six different prefabricated concrete posts, for twenty eight points on each of them. The La2O3 has been added in the concrete with the cement, before the mixing operation. The mixing properties of cement in concrete have been determined using the mixing properties of La2O3 in concrete by introducing a new theoretical conception for time dependence of mixing procedure of a mixer.
A method to determine the mixing ratio of a component in an industrial product has been introduced, by means of radioisotope tracer technique. 1.5 gr La2O3 which contains approximately 10 mCurie La-140 has been added in concrete during the mixing procedure. The mixing ratio of La2O3 in concrete has been determined by detecting the gamma rays along the six different prefabricated concrete posts, for twenty eight points on each of them. The La2O3 has been added in the concrete with the cement, before the mixing operation. The mixing properties of cement in concrete have been determined using the mixing properties of La2O3 in concrete by introducing a new theoretical conception for time dependence of mixing procedure of a mixer.
Radioisotope tracer technique, Radyoizotop izleyici tekniği, Prefabricated concrete products, Prefabrike beton ürünler, Mixing ratio of cement, Çimento karışım oranı, Determination, Belirleme
Özmutlu, C. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (1976). Determination of the mixing ratio of cement in prefabricated concrete products by means of radioisotope tracer technique. Technical Journal, 3(2), 47-54.