Investigation of external bremsstrahlung produced in various elements by beta rays
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Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
Bu çalışmada, atom numaraları 13 ve 82 arasındaki bazı elementlerde kalınlık ile dış bremsstrahlung veriminin değişimi, Ge(Li) katıhal dedektörü ve çok kanallı analizör kullanılarak tesbit edilmiştir. Maksimum verime karşılık gelen kalınlığın hedef elementin karakteristiği olduğu gözlenmiştir. Dış bremsstrahlung veriminin Mudhole'un önerdiği, I = KNZnexp(-óBt) ampirik denklemine göre değiştiği kabul edilerek óg katsayısı hesaplanmış ve óBnin kütle absorpsiyon katsayısı olma ihtimali tartışılmıştır.
Variation of external bremsstrahlung yield with thickness of some elements with atomic numbers between 13 and 82, is determined by using a Ge(Li) solid-state dedector and multi-channel analyzer. It is observed that the thickness which corresponds to the maximum yield is a characteristic of target material. Assuming external bremsstrahlung yield changes with the emprical equation, I=KNZnexp(-ógt) suggested by Mudhole, the coefficient óB has been determined and the possibility of óg being the mass absorption coefficient is discussed.
Variation of external bremsstrahlung yield with thickness of some elements with atomic numbers between 13 and 82, is determined by using a Ge(Li) solid-state dedector and multi-channel analyzer. It is observed that the thickness which corresponds to the maximum yield is a characteristic of target material. Assuming external bremsstrahlung yield changes with the emprical equation, I=KNZnexp(-ógt) suggested by Mudhole, the coefficient óB has been determined and the possibility of óg being the mass absorption coefficient is discussed.
Beta rays, Beta ışınları, Various elements, Çeşitli elementler, External bremsstrahlung, Dış bremsstrahlung, Produced, Üretilen, Investigation, İnceleme
Tanır, G., Tanır, G. ve Domaniç, F. (1982). Investigation of external bremsstrahlung produced in various elements by beta rays. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences, 9(3), 112-118.