Determination of effect of chemical mutagen ems on TAEK A-3 and TAEK C-10 mutant soybean varieties in M1 generation

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Ionizing radiation, chemical mutagens are also used in crop improvement and Ethylmethanesulphonate (EMS) is one of the most widely used chemical mutagens in the field of plant breeding. This research work was carried out to determine the effects of chemical mutagen (EMS) on seedling height. TAEK A-3 and TAEK C-10 soybean varieties were used as the test plants and effect of pre-soaking time determined. In greenhouse field experiments five different EMS doses (0 –control-, 0.025, 0.050, 0.075 and 1.0 M) and in greenhouse 3 pre-soaking time (0, 6 and 18 hours), in the field 2 different pre-soaking time (0 and 6 hours) were applied. After chemical mutagen application in the greenhouse germination percentage and seedling height base EMS dose and pre-soaking time effect had been determined. Effects of EMS in M1 germination of soybean for different characteristics (no. of plants, plant height, no of pods and seed yield) were determined under field conditions. As a result it can be said that in both soybean varieties, seedling height was reduced as the EMS concentration increased. But there was no distinct influence of pre-soaking time on seedling height in both soybean varieties. In both soybean varieties the average percentage of germination increased with increasing pre-soaking time. Based on results obtained in field experiment, it was concluded that by 6 hours pre-soaking the harmful physiological effect of EMS could be decreased.
Soybean, Soya fasulyesi, Induced mutation, Bağlı mutasyon, Mutation breeding, Mutasyon ıslahı, Chemical mutagen, Kimyasal mutajen, EMS
Sağel, Z. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (2017). Determination of effect of chemical mutagen ems on TAEK A-3 and TAEK C-10 mutant soybean varieties in M1 generation. Journal of the American Society for In­formation Science & Technology, 3(1), 19-24.