Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis of boron in samples with A(241) Am-Be neutron source

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A prompt gamma neutron activation analysis (PGAA) set-up installed at ANRTC has been used to analyze boron in samples. It consists of a 22.6% REGe detector and a 740 GBq 241Am-Be neutron source moderated with water and paraffin. At the sample irradiation position, thermal neutron fluence rate measured was 2.36x10(4) n.m(-2).s(-1) and the corresponding Cd-ratio was 22 for gold monitor. The absolute detection efficiency in the range of 120-1500 keV was determined using (152)Eu standard solution. The sensitivity and detection limit for standard boric acid samples has been determined and also the boron content in boric acid prepared from Turkish borate ores is measured to be 15.91 +-0.46% wt. by this PGAA set-up.
Boron, Bor, (241)Am-Be, Neutron source, Nötron kaynağı, Neutron capture gamma ray spectroscopy, Nötron yakalama gama ışını spektroskopisi, Neutron activation analysis, Nötron aktivasyon analizi, Gamma rays, Gama ışınları, Neutron beams, Nötron ışınları
Turhan, Ş., Yücel, H. ve A. Demirbaş (2005) Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis of boron in samples with A(241) Am-Be neutron source. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Volume 262, Issue 3, pp.661-664.