Determination of labile pool of iron in citrus soils of Antalya region by isotopic exchange
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Bu araştırma Antalya Turunçgil Bölgesi Topraklarında isotopik mübadele yöntemi ile, Fe için denge zamanı, labile pool (LP) ve ekstraksiyon çözeltisinin pH'sının LP üzerine olan etkisinin saptanmasını amaçlamaktadır.
Araştırma sonuçları şöyle özetlenebilir:
1. 59Fe mübadele yolu ile 48 saat sonra sabit konsantrasyona ulaşmıştır.
2. İsotopik olarak mübadele olabilen Fe, pH 5, 7 ve 8'de sırasıyla % 82.76, % 77.18 ve % 76.34 olarak bulunmuştur.
3. pH'sı 5.0 olan DTPA-CaCl2-NaAc ekstraksiyon çözeltisinde pH 7 ve 8’e göre daha yüksek LP değerleri elde edilmiş ve Fe’e ait LP değerleri pH yükseldikçe azalmıştır.
This investigation was made to determine the equilibration time and the labile pool (LP) of iron by isotopic exchange and the effect of ph of the extracting mixture on the LP in representative Citrus Soils of Antalya Region. The results.obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. Isotopic exchange of 59Fe reached a steady state concentration after 48 hours of equilibration. 2. The proportions in soil solution of the isotopically exchangeable Fe with pH 5,7 and 8 were 82.76, 77.18 and 76.34 percent, respectively. 3. DTPA-CaCl2-NaAc mixture at pH 5 resulted higher labile pool of Fe than at pH 7 and 8. LP of Fe was decreased with increasing of pH.
This investigation was made to determine the equilibration time and the labile pool (LP) of iron by isotopic exchange and the effect of ph of the extracting mixture on the LP in representative Citrus Soils of Antalya Region. The results.obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. Isotopic exchange of 59Fe reached a steady state concentration after 48 hours of equilibration. 2. The proportions in soil solution of the isotopically exchangeable Fe with pH 5,7 and 8 were 82.76, 77.18 and 76.34 percent, respectively. 3. DTPA-CaCl2-NaAc mixture at pH 5 resulted higher labile pool of Fe than at pH 7 and 8. LP of Fe was decreased with increasing of pH.
Determination, Belirleme, Isotopic exchange, İzotopik değişim, Labile pool of iron, Kararsız demir havuzu, Citrus soils, Narenciye toprakları, Antalya region, Antalya bölgesi
Özbek, N. ve Antep, S. (1982). Determination of labile pool of iron in citrus soils of Antalya region by isotopic exchange. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences, 9(2), 78-83.