Occupational exposure to ionising radiation with thermoluminescence dosimetry system in Turkey, in 2003

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The individual annual dose information on classified workers who are occupationally exposed to extended radiation sources by using thermoluminescence dosimetry system, in Turkey was assessed and analyzed by the Ankara Nuclear Research and Training Centre (ANAEM) dosimetry service at the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) for the year 2003. A total of total 3721 persons were monitored with TLD and the data presented in this report was obtained by using TLD technology in 2003. The annual mean effective doses received from external radiation in the different fields of activity and the distributions of the annual effective dose by dose intervals are presented. The collective annual dose by field of activity is estimated and the contribution to the total annual collective dose is determined.
Occupatioanal exposure, Mesleksel ışınlanma, Dosimeter, Dozimetre, Radiation workers, Radyasyon çalışanları, Effective dose, Etkin doz
Zeyrek, C. T. ve Gündüz, H. (2005). Occupational exposure to ionising radiation with thermoluminescence dosimetry system in Turkey, in 2003. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 113(4), 374-380.