Determination of full energy peak efficiencies of a coaxial Ge (Li) detector
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Turkish Atomic Energy Commission, Ankara Nuclear Research Center
60 cm3 aktif hacimli ve 49.5 mm. yükseklik 43.23 mm. dış çap ve 9.25 mm. kor çap boyutlarını havi, kuaksiyel tipi Ge (Li) sayacının tam enerji pik hassasiyetleri ölçülmüştür. Verilen grafiklerde hassasiyetin enerjiye bağlı değişimi, 59.55 KeV ile 1332.49 KeV gamma enerji aralığında ve sayaç kaynak uzaklığının 1.515 cm. ile 7.159 cm. limitleri arasında elde edilmiştir.
The full energy peak efficiencies of a coaxial Ge (Li) detector which has 60 cm3 active volume have been measured. The dimensions of the detector are 49.5 mm. height; 43.23 mm. outer diameter and 9.25 mm. core diameter. Graphs are presented which show how the efficiencies vary for gamma ray energies 59.55 KeV to 1332.49 KeV and for the detector source distance in the range 1.515 cm. to 7.150 cm.
The full energy peak efficiencies of a coaxial Ge (Li) detector which has 60 cm3 active volume have been measured. The dimensions of the detector are 49.5 mm. height; 43.23 mm. outer diameter and 9.25 mm. core diameter. Graphs are presented which show how the efficiencies vary for gamma ray energies 59.55 KeV to 1332.49 KeV and for the detector source distance in the range 1.515 cm. to 7.150 cm.
Coaxial Ge (Li) detector, Koaksiyel Ge (Li) dedektörü, Full energy peak efficiencies, Tam enerji tepe verimliliği
Özmutlu, C., Özyol, H. ve Ortaovalı, A. Z. (1975). Determination of full energy peak efficiencies of a coaxial Ge (Li) detector. Technical Journal, 2(1), 19-23.