A home-made neutron crystal spectrometer for research and training

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T.A.E.C., Çekmece Nuclear Research Center
In order to make experimental research in the field of low energy nuclear physics, a crystal neutron spectrometer is constructed in ÇNAEM. The energy range is between 0,025 - 6 eV. The available monochromator single crystals are Be, NaCl, (CaCO3), Pb. The minimum precise rotation of spectrometer is 1 minute of arc in Bragg angle. Two Soller type collimators, one from reactor to crystal and the other from sample to counter, are used. The net angular divergence is approximately 5 minutes of arc. Counting system consists of two channels, one of which is used for monitoring the reactor. Counter tubes are B10 enriched BF3 proportional counters. The main problem in construction was, to design and give precise movement to the heavy crystal shielding.
TENMAK D.N.. 10288
Neutrons, Nötronlar, Spectroscopy, Spektroskopi, Low energy nuclear physics, Düşük enerjili nükleer fizik, Spectrometer, Spektrometre
Akyüz, R. Ö., Cansoy, Ç. ve Domaniç, F. (1965). A home-made neutron crystal spectrometer for research and training. İstanbul : T.A.E.C., Çekmece Nuclear Research Center