Clustering of Turkish lignites following neutron activation analysis
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Turkish Atomic Energy Commission
Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitüsünden temin edilen 11 çeşit kömürde yavaş nötron aktivasyon analizi ile eser element tayini yapılmıştır. Kömür numuneler ve N.B.S kömür standardı (1632a-Bituminous) Londra Üniversitesi Reaktöründe 1012n/cra2-sn akıda 1 dak. 10 dak ve 7 saat süreyle ışınlanmış tır. 45 cm3 Ge(Li) dedektörü ve 4096 kanallı analizör ile alınan spektrumlar magnetik teyplere kaydedilerek SAMPO programı ile analizlenmiştir. 10 dakikalık ışınlama süresinin, hem saat hemde dakika mertebesinde yarı-ömürlü izotoplar için kabul edilebilir sonuçlar verdiği saptanmıştır. Sonuçlara "Kümelendirme" (Cluster) Analizi programı uygulandığında; çeşitli yörelerden alman linyitlerin iki kümeye ayrılabileceği görülmüştür.
Trace elements in eleven kinds of coal were determined by thermal neutron activation analysis using the multi-element comparator technique. Coal samples and N.B.S Coal-standard reference material (1632a-Bituminous) were irradiated for 1 min, 10 min and 7 hr at a flux of 1012n/cm2-s in the University of London Reactor. The spectra were processed using the SAMPO program. The results of different irradiation times were compared to minimize the irradiation time for a particular group of elements. The results were analysed with the CLUSTER ANALYSIS program adapted to PDP11/04 minicomputer to find out the similarity of elemental concentrations for each kind of coal.
Trace elements in eleven kinds of coal were determined by thermal neutron activation analysis using the multi-element comparator technique. Coal samples and N.B.S Coal-standard reference material (1632a-Bituminous) were irradiated for 1 min, 10 min and 7 hr at a flux of 1012n/cm2-s in the University of London Reactor. The spectra were processed using the SAMPO program. The results of different irradiation times were compared to minimize the irradiation time for a particular group of elements. The results were analysed with the CLUSTER ANALYSIS program adapted to PDP11/04 minicomputer to find out the similarity of elemental concentrations for each kind of coal.
Turkish lignites, Türk linyitleri, Neutron activation analysis, Nötron aktivasyon analizi, Clustering, Kümelenme
Sevimli, H. ve Ortaovalı, A. Z. (1981). Clustering of Turkish lignites following neutron activation analysis. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences, 8(1), 23-28.