Electromagnetic approach to flat plate solar energy collectors
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Turkish Atomic Energy Commission, Ankara Nuclear Research and Traning Center
Dielektrik bir tabaka ile kaplanmış, düzgün, iletken bir levha üzerine düşen güneş ışınları elektromagnetik yaklaşım ile incelenmiştir. Ohmik ısı yoluyla toplayıcı levhada üretilen güç, iletkenlik, magnetik geçirgenlik, dielektrik sabiti ve kalınlığı gibi toplayıcı parametrelerinin işlevi olarak tanımlanmıştır. Tipik bir paramagnetik toplayıcı levha için yapılan nümerik bir örnek sunulmuştur.
Solar rays incident upon a flat, conducting plate coated by a dieleotric layer is investigated by using electromagnetic approach. An expression for the power produced in the collector plate due to ohmic heating is obtained in terms of the collector parameters such as conductivity, magnetic permeability, dielectric constant and thickness. A numerical example is provided for a typical paramagnetic collector plate.
Solar rays incident upon a flat, conducting plate coated by a dieleotric layer is investigated by using electromagnetic approach. An expression for the power produced in the collector plate due to ohmic heating is obtained in terms of the collector parameters such as conductivity, magnetic permeability, dielectric constant and thickness. A numerical example is provided for a typical paramagnetic collector plate.
Electromagnetic approach, Elektromanyetik yaklaşım, Flat plate solar energy collectors, Düz plaka güneş enerjisi kollektörleri
Demokan, O. ve Alcan, E. (1979). Electromagnetic approach to flat plate solar energy collectors. Technical Journal, 6(3), 73-77.