The design of a solid-state crowbarring system for pulsed magnetic field production
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Turkish Atomic Energy Commission, Ankara Nuclear Research and Traning Center
Bir manyetik alan bobini üzerinde kare akım darbesi elde etmek üzere bir crowbar
sistemi geliştirildi. Böylece, direnci 10ohm, sarım sayısı 940 ve ortalama yarı çapı 6.5 cm
elan bobinin merkezinde 300 Gauss’luk manyetik alan şiddeti elde edildi. Crowbar anahtarı olarak çeşitli devre elemanları kullanıldı ve bunlardan seri bağlı diyot - transistor kombinasyonunun kareye en yakın darbe şeklini verdiği saptandı.
A crowbar system was designed to produce a square-like current in a magnetic field coil. The intensity of the magnetic field thus generated was about 30C Gauss at the center of the coil, which had 10 ohm resistance, 940 turns and 6.5 cm average radius. Different devices were used as crowbar switch and a diode series with a transistor configuration was found to give the most desirable waveform.
A crowbar system was designed to produce a square-like current in a magnetic field coil. The intensity of the magnetic field thus generated was about 30C Gauss at the center of the coil, which had 10 ohm resistance, 940 turns and 6.5 cm average radius. Different devices were used as crowbar switch and a diode series with a transistor configuration was found to give the most desirable waveform.
Pulsed magnetic field production, Darbeli manyetik alan üretimi, Solid-state, Katı hal, Crowbarring system, Levye sistemi, Design, Tasarım
Sinman, S. ve Ellialtıoğlu, M. R. (1975). The design of a solid-state crowbarring system for pulsed magnetic field production. Technical Journal, 2(3), 88-95.